Monday, December 21, 2015

Casey Junior, 1956

I love the patchwork quilt landscape of Storybook Land, so reminiscent of the 1933 Silly Symphony, "Lullaby Land". The bent-wood "stitching" is a stroke of genius! Details like this are no-tech, but are so charming. Toad Hall can just be seen in the lower left corner. I feel sorry for those folks in the open circus car... my experience in that same car resulted in a face full of hot diesel fumes for much of the ride!

This next one isn't very interesting, but hey, they are a set, so I'm posting it anyway.


  1. Storybook Land looks so different today with it's tree growth and lush foliage surrounding it. The forced perspective on Cinderella's Castle shows off nicely from the angle shot in the second image. Thanks, Major.

  2. I've never noticed this before in vintage pics of the patchwork quilt, but there were definitely more "stitches" back then than there are now. Today, the stitches are pretty much only located at the "corners" of the patches.

  3. Good eye, TokyoMagic! I've been trying for years to figure out what looked different about them, and that's it. Thanks!

  4. TokyoMagic!, today the patchwork quilt is mostly held together with ball head push pins and Velcro strips. There also appears to be some sort of guards separating the shrubbery from the railroad tracks now.

  5. It seems like everything and everywhere is overrun with vegetation; I tried to get a few comparison shots from Disneyland this last week, and it's almost impossible to sight-line the shots with all of the growth. Not complaining, just observing. I wonder if they'll decide to do another good pruning like they did a few years back?

    Side note: my company updated their web site policy and I can once again see the photos. So happy about that! I've missed so many amazing photos!

  6. Tom, good to hear your company changed its policy. And yes, I wouldn't mind Disneyland going through a good prune job in some areas of the park. It needs it.

  7. Ken, What the......heck? Is that picture altered? I can still see the stitches in there, but what are those big round white things? I don't think they are lights. I think the lights are being hidden by those guards/borders you mentioned. When you ride Casey Jr., you can look down and see the long rectangular light fixtures.

  8. K. Martinez, I generally love lush foliage and big beautiful trees, but they do need attending at Disneyland; it’s weird to see photos of Main Street in which you can barely see the castle because of the trees.

    TokyoMagic!, hmmm, I can’t remember if there were stitches the last time I saw Storybook Land or not. Probably not. Why eliminate them? It can’t be due to cost, can it?

    Chuck, ha ha, at first I thought that you said “Good bye” to TokyoMagic!. Where are you going, Chuck? Send us a postcard!

    K. Martinez, weird. Those dividers are kind of unsightly (not that most people ever notice, of course), and the giant pins (or are they lamps? or both?) really stand out. I would love to know the thinking as to making those changes.

    Tom, welcome back! I used to work at a company that, at the time, severely limited our internet access. It was a big drag. I agree, there are lots of old views that are impossible to duplicate, either due to the buildings, or more often because of the plants.

    K. Martinez, why not replace all of the plants with chia pets? Ch-ch-ch-CHIA!

    TokyoMagic!, I think I agree with Ken, they must be those pins with the glass heads, like my grandma used to use when sewing or quilting. It is an odd choice. They are way too big, and why are they only on the nearest embankment? Also, what is that building jutting up in the background?

  9. Major, I think that's the Fantasyland Stage.

  10. TokyoMagic!, Yes, I do recall seeing the florescent tube lighting behind those guards to light up the quilt now that you mention it. I wonder if they still use florescent lighting at Disneyland.

    @Major, Ch-ch-ch-CHIA! I'd completely forgotten about those. Never had one.

    Chuck, you're correct. That's Fantasyland Theater 2.0

  11. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It's not my imagination, then. The park is looking somewhat overgrown. I think that's fine with me. I noticed that DCA also looked more "filled out" and less barren than my last visit four years ago. I guess trees will do that in the OC climate.

    Several newly updated ride queues had more emphasis on shade, both from trees and structures. Radiator Springs and Big Thunder both were notably well done in that regard.

    Very nice pics of my favorite set of attractions in the whole Disney Universe.


  12. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Re the Flickr photo, those weird globular things (lights?) are no longer there.

    Alas, I can't recall for sure about the borders. I didn't take any pictures on my recent ride, but I know the balls are gone.

    Also the new Arendell is very nice, a worthy successor to the old mill, which few now remember.

