Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Old and Improved! GDB Rescans

I've had to install a liquid nitrogen cooling system in my new scanner, I've been so busy rescanning  old slides! The neighbors are complaining about all the steam and clanking noises. But I am very inconsiderate, so I don't care!

Some of you may remember this one posted way back in 2006. It's as if the slide was dipped in grape juice (Welch's, of course) - and this is after I had tried to restore it. Yes, it is pretty crummy looking.

Nine years later, the rescan is a notable improvement. The proper authorities have been notified, as well as the Hollywood press. The sky looks appropriately dusky, and the purple has been banished to wherever purple things go. Oxnard, maybe. I love the lights on the Red Wagon Inn, the oranges on the orange tree, and just the general night-is-approaching atmosphere. I wonder if any background music was playing back in 1960?

Keeping with the Red Wagon Inn theme, here is a rare view taken inside the restaurant, with those last golden rays of sunlight coming through the blinds. This 2006 scan is grainy and just plain "blah".

This redo has much better contrast, is much less grainy, and has better color. Looking at the blurry table, I wonder, "Where are the plastic trays? Where are the paper cups? Why does it look like they are eating in a real restaurant for civilized adults?". I wonder a lot of stuff.

Stay tuned for more rescans (also known as "cheaters")!


  1. Major-

    These do indeed look lovely. So much so, I'm ready to "ingratiate" myself to those folks and start picking at their uneaten food.

    And confidentially Major, Oxnard gave the big Thumbs Down to accepting any more 'purple things'. Now it's all going to Camarillo.

  2. Heh, Oxnard. I used to roll through there frequently when I was going to school up Santa Barbara way. Old trivia: Q. What do people in Oxnard do for a good time? A. Leave.

    I love the strides that image processing software has made in the last twenty years or so. Improvements even over the nine years between these scans is simply wow-ish.
    I would almost guess that the "before" scan is unaltered what with its still pervasive magenta blush.

    Does the America the Beautiful facade look a little off to anyone? I can see the Clock of the World to get oriented, and it looks like the gray rock-work is off to the left, but where the rectangular array of windows would be it looks like maybe an olive green construction wall. Do you suppose that the shot was taken in the middle of one of the building's transitions?

    And apropos of that last question let me say thanks to you Major and the usual suspects. Where else can someone like me ask that arcane of a question?

  3. Nice job of rescanning, Major! Seeing that street in the second pic makes me wonder if those two side streets near the top of Main St. had names like East and West Center Street did? Of course now they are filled in and don't even resemble streets anymore.

  4. Nanook, I also like to help myself to other people’s belongings! It’s a compliment that says, “Man, you’ve got some great stuff - and I want some of it”.

    Patrick Devlin, awww, Oxnard isn’t that bad! I admit that it was mostly a place that I drove through to get someplace else (like when my dad worked at the Port Hueneme Navy base). The new scanner is definitely sweet, though I suspect that I could have gleaned better results from the old scanner… I have learned a lot about the finer points of restoring photos in Photoshop over the years. As for what appears to be an olive green construction wall, I thought the exact same thing before I realized that it was actually the reverse of one of the attraction posters affixed to the flagpoles flanking the entrance to Tomorrowland. You can see the back of another one, painted blue.

  5. TokyoMagic!, I think that they had names like "East Plaza Street" and "West Plaza Street" - I am almost positive that there are a few photos with street signs (though they are often illegible). I wish I could remember a specific photo to link to...

  6. Nice work!! Wish you could scan me and get this good a result lol!!

    The first place we ever had a meal at Disneyland was at this restaurant, known by then as Plaza Inn. :-) Cant wait to get back there someday....

    thanks for taking the time to show us something old as new (and improved!) again.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I think I enjoy your photo captions as much as the photos themselves.

  8. Major/TokyoMagic!-

    Look no further than the GDB post from October 16th. Just lookie HERE. West Plaza Street, it is.

  9. What a world of difference the re-scans make. It's like going from VHS to DVD to Blu-ray. You don't know what you're missing until you try it. Thanks, Major.

    When life gets you down, do you know what you've gotta do? Just keep scanning! Just keep scanning! Just keep scanning!

  10. Nancy, I didn’t eat at the Plaza Inn until the late 1990’s, and by then it was pretty bland.

    Anonymous, thanks!

    Nanook, oh yeah, that one was even pretty recent. I was thinking of another photo, but can’t think of any search parameters to find it. Meanwhile, notice the sign for North Main Street, which is also interesting.

    K. Martinez, some of my rescans haven’t been quite as dramatic, but they are still sort of fun to play with. Have you seen the new trailer for “Finding Dory”? Those undersea environments sure look beautiful.

  11. Major, Yes, I've seen the new "Finding Dory" trailer. Pixar always does an amazing job when it comes to the set pieces and environmental settings in their animated films. And they do a pretty good job on telling a story too!

    You are right about the Plaza Inn. In the 70's and 80's it was much better. I never cared for the late 1990's remodel and menu after that. As I mentioned before, I've had prime rib at the Plaza Inn as well as pot roast and various other meat dishes along with green salads and fresh fruit salads back in the day. It was truly a great restaurant at one time. I've experienced both the Plaza Inn cafeteria style and Plaza Terrace full-service restaurants when they existed together. It's still one of the better restaurants at Disneyland, but just not as good as it used to be IMHO.

  12. Sunday Night7:46 PM

    A couple of years ago I ate at a table in the current restaurant (forgot it's name) at almost the exact location as pic #2. It's a primo spot as you have a nice view of Main Street and can watch the people go by.

    Haven't been to Oxnard in years. I have nothing against it.

  13. Thanks, Nanook! And yes Major, that N. Main St. sign is equally as interesting. I'm assuming the part of Main St. below Center St. was known as South Main Street? And now I'm wondering if the short streets that branched off of Town Square (next to the Fire House and Hill Brothers Coffee Gardens) had names, but I'm kind of doubting it.

  14. Another voice of praise for your re-scanning efforts. Nothing like nine years of experience to make a lot of difference!
