Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cast Member Photos From Huck!

Here are some unusual photos from our friend Huck Caton, who was a cast member at Disneyland back in the late 1970's. 

I'll let Huck describe what is going on in these kooky images, which are "...from a party at the Acapulco (just across from the employee parking lot entrance on Harbor) for some of the outgoing Bell people - thrown by the incoming batch (which includes Diane... dressed as a snow bunny here)".

There are two girls wearing one shirt, a cowgirl (complete with stuffed cow)... I have no idea what is happening, but it looks like fun! Say, that one gal is wearing her Disneyland costume.

"As you can see, there were skits and gag outfits; fun stuff. "And yes, it was a BIG deal to sneak out the Bell costume for the evening. This evening was my first date with Diane. The Bell People were rowdy!".

Why the tray full of Coca Cola cups? Why NOT, is a better question.

"More party goodness. Whatever is going on has snow bunny Diane in hysterics; the blonde appears to be a bee handing out 'flowers' whilst sporting a 'Disneyland '79' target on her... um, er... bee zone; and I think the sign says 'Ma Bell, Apple Pie and a Banner (Year?)'".

I am digging the bee girl! Where is she today?

Huck didn't have any specific description for this one, although it is clearly more craziness.

These are a very fun look at the esprit de corps that was not uncommon among Disney (and Bell) cast members years ago. I'm sure that I am like many GDB readers who wished that they had worked at the park; these photos just confirm that it was something special.

THANK YOU to Huck Caton for, once again, sharing some of his wonderful personal photos and recollections with all of us!


  1. Huck-

    Wow - Talk about The State of Confusion-!

    Thanks for sharing these.

  2. It does look like a fun group! I vaguely remember there being an Acapulco restaurant across from Disneyland. Does anyone know what sits in it's place today?

  3. Seems like there was a Mexican restaurant named Acapulco in every town back then. Thanks again for sharing your memories, Huck.

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    An affirmation that all of us during that time had fun. For me, that included the Banana Ball and of course Custer's. But each evening, there was always an after hours gathering to go to. Many of my peers remain in touch on social media..and pictures are posted there, much like this. Thanks for sharing your memories Huck.


  5. OMG, I'm in hysterics over here. You guys really knew how to have a good time!

    (and I WANT that red bandanna shirt!)

  6. Snow White Archive, I know… I am jealous!

    Nanook, who knew Disney people were so wacky.

    TokyoMagic!, I am surprised that YOU don’t know the answer to that question!

    K. Martinez, Acapulco is (or was) a major chain of Mexican/American restaurants… there are still a few around. It’s not authentic, but I like the food anyway.

    KS, I have never heard of the Banana Ball or Custer’s. What were those??

    Melissa, I really do wonder if employees do things like this anymore.

  7. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Major....Custer's Last Stand (sponsored by Frontierland employees)was a summer bash for the several hundred or so in attendance. The beer kegs in multitude and non-stop bands playing the night away. I recall some being held in the Union Hall in Santa Ana. It was a big deal and supervision warned us not to call in sick the next day! Many of us stumbled into work wearing sun glasses to help with the hangover. Banana Ball was sponsored by some of us in Adventureland...a little more subdued framed in a Polynesian way. Didn't mean it wasn't a bit wild but nothing ever matched Custer's. I'm sure others will chime in here. Those were great days...a different time. Liability issues and the sheer size of the Disney Resort has definitely taken its toll on employees feeling part of the 'Disney family' like we felt back then.


  8. KS, thank you for the fun information about Custer's Last Stand and the Banana Ball! It really was a different time; there were so many social events for employees in the old days, including things like bowling leagues and softball games - and from what Huck says, he made pretty good money, unlike the employees of today. Again, thanks for the information!

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Major...at the time of my departure in June of 1977, I was making top rate for an RO of $6.47/hour. Put that into an inflation adjusted calculator and it comes out to around $25.40 today. If a married couple was working, together they could afford a small home and the commute costs. Plus we had benefits too...for those of us with 'permanent' A or B status. During the summer the "C" group were reclassified as A or B so we took advantage of health/dental during that season. And we earned vacation time based on hours worked throughout the year.
