Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Main Street Station & Town Square, August 1961

Sometimes I wish I had something more exciting to offer all of the GDB readers out there. But if I only posted the exciting stuff, this blog would have been over and done with long ago! 

The classic floral Mickey portrait is a wonderful touch, and he looks especially good here; sometimes the flowers aren't in full bloom, making the mouse look a bit anemic. I like that they used the same Mickey that was seen in front of the early short films; he's been updated these days. Wouldn't it be cool if the photo of the mother and her kids turned up in a separate lot??

This is actually a pretty nice shot of Town Square at the base of the train station; there's an Omnibus (with a "Disneyland '61" banner on the side), a Surrey, and a Horse Drawn Streetcar, as well as a popcorn wagon. It looks like it was a great day to be at the park!


  1. Major-

    Yes, the Mother and her kids are a nice touch, but my attention was quickly drawn to the couple standing in front of floral Mickey and just what is that woman doing to the gentleman-? Perhaps they are merely dancing...

    Thanks, Major.

  2. What's being advertised on that banner on the side of the Omnibus?

  3. She's probably just adjusting his britches, looks like theys maybe ridin up a bit.

    Popcorn 15 cents! I'll take two. Can't make out what the little crank figure is in the popcorn machine though.
    Nice photos Major, thanks.

  4. Yeah, the early Mickey Mouse in this image is much better than what they have there now.

    TokyoMagic!, I've seen that banner before in photos but could never figure out what it was advertising.

  5. @ Alonzo P. Hawk-

    The 'little crank figure' is actually called Toasty Roasty Man. Honest.

  6. Nanook, well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much. they give each other a special hug, and then the mommy has a baby!

    TokyoMagic!, it says "Disneyland '61" and has an abstract pattern. You can at least see the pattern more clearly HERE.

    Alonzo, "adjusting his britches", I'll BET she is! (I have the brain of a 13 year old!). The little figure in the popcorn machine is Jerry Lewis.

    K. Martinez, the "now" Mickey portrait looks like he has the mumps. But not the measles!

    Nanook, that's a "Nanook-ish" piece of trivia if I ever saw one!!
