Friday, November 21, 2014

Beautiful Tomorrowland, 1956

Oh boy, more vintage Tomorrowland! My favorite. And the "Clock of the World" is also my favorite.  I can have lots of favorites! I love the way the Clock is trying so hard to look futuristic, and yet, to 2014 brains, it is about as retro as can be. The blue tiled base, the gold spiky sun (and moon, on the other side), even the font used for the numbers, it all screams "mid-century". Which is awesome. In the distance is a certain moon rocket...

…. and here's a closer look. I'm not sure if the camera's exposure was just set differently, but things look much lighter and brighter. The rocket is SO COOL! I never grow weary of it. In the background, the vertical sign still says "Space Bar" rather than "Skyway" - the Skyway would not open until June of '56. 


  1. Major-

    I'm feeling so mid-century, all of a sudden - ready to face a new day. Now... if I only knew the correct time.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Nice pictures today Major! And the photographer worked the TWA Rocket into both shots!

    Speaking of working, do we know if the Clock of the World kept time accurately? There's a futuristic clock in Berlin that was horrible at time keeping (although it was known to be right twice a day when not functioning at all).

    Bill in Denver

  3. Chuck6:56 AM

    I must be one of those few people whose brains think the clock looks retro. If there are only 2,014 of us, that makes me part of an elite group.

    Of course, being a Gorillahead puts me into an elite category all by itself...

  4. Nice shot of the Clock of the World. I'll take this over the current Tomorrowland entrance anyday.

    I can also never get enough of the TWA rocket. If you haven't seen it yet, there's a great tribute in the new Mickey short "Space Walkies."

  5. Nanook, I'll bet you need the correct time so that you can be home in time for your dinner (chicken casserole, creamed asparagus, potatoes au gratin, and strawberry chiffon pie for dessert!).

    Bill in Denver, I have never read anything about the Clock of the World's accuracy. I'll have to look up the futuristic clock in Berlin to check it out!

    Chuck, yes, the clock is definitely retro. Even the little gold accent tiles on the base make me think of the 1950's and 60's. And you are DEFINITELY part of an elite group (or squad, as I prefer)!

    Brad Abbott, me too… the Astro Orbiter lacks any real "WOW factor", and those weird rocks, what is the deal with them?? I'll see if I can find "Space Walkies" on YouTube, thanks for the heads up.

  6. If the Clock of the World ever stopped working the D-land visitors back then would only have had the correct time once a day.

  7. Oh, but that one time a day would be the correct time for the entire world, and that’s not bad.

  8. It's the Man in the Big Yellow Hat, back when he was the Boy in the Small Yellow Hat.

  9. Monkey Cage Kurt, I suppose that's the drawback to having a 24-hour clock! I still can't believe that they haven't made working scale models of it for sale at Disneyland. I would buy one!

    Melissa, it is known that hat fetishes start when people are very young. I don't judge.

  10. That’s right Major. When it comes to broken clocks they’re only half as accurate as one of them 12 hour jobbers.
