Friday, March 28, 2014

Tomorrowland & Frontierland, March 1958

Today I have two beauties from 1958, in glorious Kodachrome.

Say, howsabout this sweet view looking back toward the Tomorrowland Skyway station. The Space Bar is super busy, let's not go there for lunch. The Astro Jets and Autopia are there, along with a bit of the track for the Viewliner. Undeveloped land is right next to the park, I wonder if Walt ever tried to purchase it?

Just for fun I thought I'd zoom in a bit at the Autopia load area. I like the row of moms and dads waiting for their kids to take a turn at driving a "real car". Just beyond the berm, a tiny gas station looks closed, in spite of the strings of triangular flags.

Meanwhile, over in Frontierland, the river looks wonderful. Note the raft in the foreground and another one in the distance. And there's a canoe, and intrepid guests are exploring Tom Sawyer Island. Fowler's Harbor is to our left.


  1. Love the silvery sky bucket. I wonder if somewhere on the planet someone has one of these original skyway buckets in their personal collection.

  2. Anonymous3:02 AM

    I believe that Kodachrome is the unofficial film of the Good Old Days. It has preserved countless vacations in a rich, saturated palette of color that never fades away, unlike our memories.

    Thank you Kodachrome for keeping our past safe in your emulsion, our stories tucked away in a million slide trays - just waiting to be projected one more time...or shared on GDB.

    Bill in Denver

  3. Chuck5:04 AM

    Love today's set, showcasing a Disneyland that I never saw but still looks familiar and inviting. Wish I could visit. Oh, Mr Peabody...

    Note that at least two different raft landings are in use on Tom Sawyer Island. Never noticed before that the raft crews wore red shirts. I wonder how many they lost over the years?

    I second Bill in Denver's poetic rhapsodification of Kodachrome. It gives us those nice bright colors, the greens of summers,
    makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah! I wonder how many of our current digital memories will degrade electronically while Kodachrome transparencies live on?

  4. Beautiful! These shots have a way of just taking you right in. I so wish I could be there right now :)

  5. I love the akimbo man in the middle of your Tomorrowland Zoom-In. He looks so purposeful.

  6. Dangit, Melissa! You stole my "akimbo" reference. I had been working on it for a solid fifteen minutes. He does indeed look purposeful and self-aggrandized, almost as though he might imagine he is sporting a billowing blue cape.

    Great pictures! So crisp and colorful.

  7. @Chuck - Nice detail about the raft crew's red shirts. I never noticed that either. I need to slow down and look at the pictures longer.

  8. Akimbo= I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle, here is my handle..... Oh POOP I'm a sugar bowl!!!!!

  9. That man has enough akimbo to go around for all of us.

  10. OMG, those darn Skyway "cages" scared me to death! I just KNEW I was going to fall out of them. I breathed such a sigh of relief when they changed the design.
