Saturday, November 30, 2013

Basement Party - the Sequel!

Some of you may recall when GDB visited a vintage basement party. Well, today is the sequel. 

These images are undated, but are probably from the early 1950's. A group of consenting adults have all gathered in a cozy finished basement for drinks, cigarettes, stimulating conversation, and some hot music! This was not ordinary basement, either - the varnished plywood walls are covered in awesome vintage pinup girls (possibly cut out from calendars, or issues of Esquire magazine). The ladies don't seem to mind.

This fun-loving trio had a raw sound that was a strong influence on later bands such as Nirvana. "Hey Frank, don't forget to bring your drum kit". Rose could play the piano so beautifully that you would weep.

Alright, there's the bar! You know how much I love to get drunk. This is like a scene from "Mad Men" only without John Hamm or Christina Hendricks. And really, would it be any better with them? 

Notice the pinup poster on the wall, from a painting called "No Milk Today", by Robert Skemp.

Here's a better look at the illustration. Heritage Auctions sold the original painting back in May, 2010 for over $11,000!


  1. Major-

    It does look like a very hot & happening party-! And those pinup girls in the first pic... hubba, hubba-!!

    Thanks, Major and bottoms up-!

  2. I wonder if anyone ended up doing a pole dance at this little soiree? It looks like there were at least two poles to choose from.

  3. Those really were the days! I so often wish that I had grown up in the mid century instead of just being born then. Of course, I would be like 80 now, but who knows what things might have come my way!

    Cool set today, Major!

  4. I love the linoleum tile weave pattern on the floor.

    I think Robert Skemp was also a cover artist for some of those vintage paperbacks novels.

    These photos are really cool! Thanks, Major.

  5. Nanook, I'm sure the cops showed up a few hours later when things got completely out of control!

    TokyoMagic!, I wonder if pole dances were even a thing back then?!

    Nancy, I know what you mean, but I'm sure the people living then thought that the really great times were the early 1900's. Just seems to be the way things go!

    K. Martinez, I'm sure you are right, most illustrators do whatever they can to get income (I speak as a former illustrator!).


    My dad just finished building a bar in his basement, and I must say I'm glad the pinup girls are absent in ours :) I just love this photo set though! So much to see!

  7. PsySocDisney, I admit it, I am just jealous of Jon Hamm! So jealous that I misspelled his name.

  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Years ago, I belonged to the Elks Club. The club bar was paneled with plywood much like the examples in your photo and probably dating from the same era.

    These pics bring back some good memories of that time for me. Must have been great to have a bar like this in the basement of your home.

    Thanks Major!

