Wednesday, November 27, 2013


It's time to clear out more scans that almost went to into the virtual trash can. 

This first shot, showing the Gullywhumper as it passes by, isn't too bad, but it was a very dark, grainy image that required more work than it was worth to get it to this point. 

Here's Castle Rock over on Tom Sawyer Island; the image is weirdly fuzzy and while it's colorful, it still isn't that great. What it really needs is a bunch of Yippies!

There are nice aspects to this third picture - the bobsled about to splash down into the glacial pond for example - but this is an odd composition otherwise… probably taken from a moving vehicle.


  1. Glad you didn't reject these. I especially like the Matterhorn image. It's taken from the PeopleMover traveling over the red-striped awning of the Fantasyland Autopia. It just needs a horizontal flip.

    The dude on Castle Rock looks to be sneaking up on someone. Looks like he's not following the park rules and is off the intended path.

    Thanks for posting these.

  2. K. Martinez, ah, another backwards scan from the ol' Major. It's trickier when one is just scanning negatives! I'm surprised that more aren't reversed. Thanks for the info on the Matterhorn pic! You're right, the guy with the orange shirt does look pretty sneaky.

  3. Major, I actually like reverse images. It makes you think you're looking at something from a unique angle.

    With Thanksgiving on the mind, Castle Rock looks like a pile of mashed potatoes covered in gravy.

    In the meantime I'm so looking forward to tomorrow. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy with all the works. Mmmmmm!

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I'm stumped by the photographer's location for the Gullywhumper shot, Castle Rock is in the background, so the boat must be rounding the turn toward the settler's cabin.

    Judging from the bush in the foreground the vantage is on land, but neither the Indian Village nor Bear Country extended that far up the River on the "mainland" side?

    Could this have been taken from the train? Anyway, big plus for the keelboat.

    @KMartinez, thanks for the tip on the Matterhorn pic, I was spinning around getting oriented, but now it makes sense.

    I was always afraid to creep around on the rocks like that, if I got caught, I might get thrown out of Disneyland, an almost Miltonian fate, far worse than getting injured.


  5. Actually it's the odd composition of the third picture that makes it so special. (And the fact that it's flopped doesn't hurt it either).

  6. There may not be any Yippies on Castle Rock, but it's nice to see Fonzie and the Dowager Countess nearing the peak.
