Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Day at the Beach

Summer is but a memory, but we can still enjoy some vintage photos of people having fun at the beach! Smear on some SPF-50 lotion and let's go.

I think it's safe to say that this first picture is from somewhere on the East Coast - where exactly, I can't say. I love the varying patterns and colors of the umbrellas! It is not difficult to imagine the sound of the waves, the smell of the salt water and seaweed, the cry of gulls, the hissing of nearby giant squid, and the warmth of the sand beneath one's feet.

Here's another undated photo, labeled "Dolly and Rod". Rod's shirt seems to feature some old military insignia, some marines in action, and even a duck that strongly resembles Donald. Let's go get an ice cream bar at the snack hut! Eat if fast, you don't want the ice cream to fall off the stick.

Now we're at the beach in Atlantic City, NJ (probably in the early 1950's). Speaking of ice cream bars, gramps and the kids are enjoying their sweet treats while mom and grandma resist temptation. Looks like the umbrella was a rental. Notice the sign just above mom's head featuring the grinning face of "Tillie" the mascot of Steeplechase Park (named after owner George Tilyou). The park opened in 1897, but closed forever in 1964; in its heyday it was " of the most influential amusement parks of all time". 


  1. "Summer is but a memory". Huh-?? You live in So. Cal. It's always summer there - no matter what some say. (Temperatures in the 60's do not indicate Winter. Yeessh-!)

    These pictures are fabulous. (There is a Colton Motel in Cape May, NJ - so I suppose it's possible).

    And the shot in Atlantic City is so rich with great stuff. But, Major - it's only here on the west coast that we refer to the area where the land meets the ocean as a "beach". On the east coast - and especially in NJ - it's "the shore".

    Thanks for these great shots.

  2. @Nanook -

    What about Miami Beach, Daytona Beach and Myrtle Beach? Or is that used in city name only and they still refer to the actual land meets ocean area as "the shore"?

  3. Well, yes, but ask any Jersey-ite or resident of Phillie, they always talk about "... Going down to the shore..." And if you've got that good south Phillie accent going, "down" has an "L" sound in the middle and "the" is virtually dropped entirety.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    In the South the coast is referred to as 'the beach' – hence the Florida names. 'The Shore' is a uniquely Northeastern usage.

  5. @Nanook -

    Guess I was thinking about the entire east coast. Anyway, I didn't know that about shore vs. beach. I learn something new everyday. Thanks.

    @Anonymous -

    Thanks for the regional clarification. I lived in Daytona Beach, Florida for six months way back in 1979 and seem to remember the locals referring to it as the beach. Old memories can be foggy though.

  6. @ Anonymous-

    Thanks for clearing that up. Shore; beach; coast - one way or the other, sand is usually involved.

  7. Nanook, "cold" is a relative term, but it can get chilly enough to where I wouldn't want to be hanging out in Santa Monica in a bathing suit. I used to live in Virginia Beach, VA, and we definitely went "to the beach" when we were there! I have heard it referred to as "the shore" though.

    K. Martinez, Nanook, and Anonymous, I certainly didn't expect the comments to be about the regional names for that sandy bit between the mainland and the ocean! :-)

  8. WOO-HOO! Double babushka Saturday! I'm gonna go put two headscarves on and run around the house in my my bathing suit!

  9. Oh Major - you know us - such a wacky group-! Pretty soon we'll be debating which is the better ocean: The Atlantic or the Pacific.

    @Melissa- Wow - I was so caught-up in all the signage at Atlantic City, I failed to notice the "3D" babushkas. Shame on me.

  10. Melissa, beach babushkas are the rarest and most desirable babushkas of all!

    Nanook, your comment reminds me of a scene in Woody Allen's "Radio Days", where the father is yelling at the mother, something to the effect of "You seriously think the Atlantic is greater than the Pacific?!". I love that movie.

  11. @Major-
    I love Radio Days, too. The line was stolen directly from it.
