Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mark Twain 1956

1956 seems like a looooong long time ago, and Disneyland photos from that era definitely have an old-fashioned flavor. Lick your monitor and see what I mean!

We've seen upmty-zillion pictures of the Mark Twain, but this one is festive, with the Twain gleaming under a blue sky. The bunting was used because of leverage from the powerful bunting unions.

There she goes (sorry Mark Twain, you are still a "she"), around that rocky shore where the Stagecoaches and Conestoga Wagons would trundle along.


  1. Major-

    'Bunting' and 'trundle along' in the same post. This is a grand day, indeed.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. You may never have seen this before... there it is: the backside of a steamboat!

  3. We trundle along, singin' a song
    on the ol' rocky shore.

  4. I always love the barren look of the 1950's Disneyland. So much growth yet to come.

  5. @ Tom-

    Although I completely agree with your sentiment in regards to "the barren look", I'm betting Walt had other thoughts on the matter...

  6. Mickey won't be on that steamboat, will 'e?

  7. 1956 was a long time ago look how far we have come!

  8. I'll bet Phil Rizzuto was the head of that bunting union. He was one of the best due to his slight size and lack of hitting power.

    I agree with the mouse pack on this one. I would have liked to see the original "barren look" of the early park, first hand anyway.
    With the lack of real estate and the no foresight of how popular it would become the modern park is kind of jam packed. And yet ironically has a lot of wasted space. IE: motorboat cruise, big thunder ranch (sorry Billy's move home), fort wilderness.
