Thursday, March 07, 2013

Son of "Unrejected"!

Today I have a second serving of rejected Instamatic scans that are now officially UNREJECTED! Why did I have to shout that last word? Because I stepped on a bee.

All of today's photos are less than wonderful for one reason or another. You'll see! Might as well use up a bunch of them at once.

For instance, this picture of the Ernest S. Marsh as it chugs along the Rivers of America; it's an unusual view, which is cool, and I love the choo-choos, but this was a very dark and very grainy. I lightened it and de-grained it, but it looks weird anyway.

Two horseless carriages sit at the hub awaiting their next passengers. This is another one that is pretty nice, except that it is blurry. Foo.

Nothing whumps gullies like the Gullywhumper. I defy you to tell me what does! Can't do it, can you? The 'whumper is full-up, and looks pretty great in spite of the backlighting (and blur).

Here's an unremarkable picture of a remarkable thing. Skull rock! Most people forget that there was a sound effect of endless belching that could be heard when you stood near this thing.

Here's another one that was super dark and über grainy. A single yellow and green bobsled speeds over the picturesque stone arch and past the icy waterfall.

The Mark Twain - blurry.

Don't worry, I have more rejects to unreject!


  1. Graffer12:41 AM

    Look at the realistic water color of the Rivers of America.

    None of the horrible bright turquoise dye that the modern imagineers dump into every Disneyland waterway.

  2. Love the red mutton chop that skull rock is growing. Tell tale sign of the late 60's early 70's.

    Any shot of a single bobsled passing the waterfall has to be unrejected. Nice rear shot of that atomic sternwheeler too.

    Great post of former castoffs. Thanks for you photoshop efforts to bring them back from the dead.

  3. Love the bobsled pic. It's amazing how much motion can be conveyed in a still image.

    Why am I sad and in the dumps?
    There's no more gullies left to whump.
    I wipe my brow and pipe my eye,
    She's a-whumpin' gullies in the sky.

    (Watch out for bees.)

  4. Wow Melissa that poem would bring a tear to Mike Fink's eye.

    Except he would never admit it and say it's just some of his awesome leaking out.

  5. Love your poetry Melissa.

    Nice pic of the Ernest S. Marsh traveling along the Rivers of America, one of my favorite stretches on the Disneyland Railroad.

  6. They're not blurry - they're "soft focus" and have a dreamlike quality, like every visit to Disneyland should have.

  7. Graffer, at first I thought you meant that the picture looked like a watercolor painting! I agree with you, the trend toward everything being candy-colored is awful.

    Alonzo, that giant skull is a HIPPIE! Maybe he needs to join the Marines, they'll knock some sense into him. I'm glad you liked these, they were kind of a lot of work to restore.

    Melissa, I would write more poetry if I had any skill or intelligence!

    Alonzo, i can only HOPE that Mike Fink is just leaking awesome.

    K. Martinez, I'm not sure I have a favorite stretch of railroad, the whole thing is great. Maybe the Grand Canyon Diorama would be up there though.

    Tom, they are definitely soft-focus… and this is after I've sharpened them up in Photoshop. I do sometimes wish that my friend had had a better camera, because the images he took are otherwise so darn nice.

  8. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The pic of the old cars in the Hub is almost a magazine cover. I don't mind the soft focus, it's good for a change.

    I will take any picture of Skull Rock that is possible to obtain, and the bobsled shot is perfect. Exactly the right sensation of movement in the waterfall, the car, even the trees. I can hear the water now.

    That is the newer Gullywhumper, since the old one had only two windows per side. Bertha Mae apparently always had three, and GW was changed out somewhere along the line. Probably due to loading and views from inside.

    The Mark Twain picture is almost like a shot from the vintage era, except in color. I can imagine a Mathew Brady by-line on that one.

    Thank you, Major.


  9. StoryBookLand12:43 PM

    Blur, shmur! I believe that was an artistic choice... I love it!
    When do you get to see Disneyland through the 17/17 eyes of a child??


  10. I swear back in the day the smog was so think it added a special blur-factor to lots of pics.
    Love the train in the trees.
