Friday, February 01, 2013

Four From 1996

I've scanned some more negatives, given to me by a friend who took a lot of photos back in the 1990's! December, 1996 to be exact.

Here's a lovely twilight photo of the Plaza Inn, sponsored by Columbian coffee growers! The interior looks very warm and inviting. Christmas garlands and ornaments help to make things festive.

The Opera House looks wonderful in this photo. A lone cast member stands outside hoping for somebody, anybody, to come in and watch "The Walt Disney Story, Featuring Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln". Portraits of Walt and Roy Disney can be seen just inside the entry. 

Well there's something you don't see every day! Four grown men on a bicycle, and they're dressed like sticks of Fruit Stripe gum. Well it can only be The Dapper Dans! The guy in red hates it when they decide to pop a wheelie. (Nice Marlboro jacket, fella).

Moments later, and olde-timey fire truck chugs past. Maybe the Dapper Dans' bicycle burst into flames - let us recall Einstein's most famous equation: Polyester + friction = spontaneous pants fires.


  1. Love the twilight/dusk photos.

  2. Choir, choir, pants on fire.

  3. Debbie V, yeah, there is just something about Disneyland when the lights come on.

    Melissa, do choir members wear pants under their robes? It is an eternal mystery!

  4. The last two pics remind me of how the Main Street color scheme has changed through the years. In the 1990s I always thought it looked like a town made of cake and candy. A sort of confectionery village. The smells from the Candy Palace would finish the job.
