Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Columbia, 1966

I like today's first photo, taken at Frontierland's Indian Village; during one of the dance performances, the mighty Columbia happened to pass by, and our intrepid photographer managed to grab a striking image. The performer grins at the camera in a way that reminds me of Fulton Burley.

The Columbia was packing them in! All it needs nowadays is a pirate, or a yeti, or maybe a pirate yeti.


  1. A pirate yeti-! I don't know how Disney missed the boat on that one. (No pun intended).

  2. They could tie it in to a Yeti-themed snack bar called The Abdominal Snowman.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I'm surprised they didn't change it into the Black Pearl.


  4. Lots of lots lines in these pics. The ships masts of the Columbia seem to blend in with poles around the Ceremonial Dance Circle. In the first pic they're almost aligned.

    CoxPilot - Thankfully they didn't turn it into the Black Pearl, however I always thought they should convert the Columbia into a ghost ship for HalloweenTime.

  5. Nanook, it is time for an "All Yeti" Disneyland. The public has been clamoring for it. "Why doesn't Snow White fight a yeti?". I hear it every day. In my head.

    Melissa, so funny… last October I did a post where I referred to the "abdominal snowman"! Great minds think alike?

    CoxPilot, I am REALLY surprised that they didn't turn it into the Black Pearl. It would have required a new paint job, and some small details in the rigging and sails. With all of the pirate enthusiasm it is a miracle it didn't happen.

    K. Martinez, as a kid I was fascinated with all of the ropes and masts on old sailing ships; especially whenever I saw a scale model in a museum. Part of me wanted to build one myself!

  6. Looks like they still have room for a few more passengers up on the top platforms of each mast. That would actually be one heck of a view!
