Monday, November 19, 2012

Views From the Mark Twain, March 1959

I still enjoy taking a raft over to Tom Sawyer Island and exploring the caves and trails. But back in its heyday, the features on the island were just a little bit less safe and a lot more fun. Just look at this picture of Castle Rock, with the other rock features near by. Teeter-Totter Rock (which kids could actually use as a Flintstonian seesaw), Merry-Go-Round rock (that's it to the left, kids could spin it), and other features made for climbing and exploring, not falling and suing. Least favorite detail: Castle Rock almost perfectly hides the Matterhorn, which is under construction!

Zooming in on an area of the previous picture, I can see some sort of critter (a bear? a bobcat?) climbing up an angled tree trunk. Was this part of the old Rainbow Caverns Mine Train ride (which would still be open until October of 1959)? I'm not sure I've seen a picture of this before.

Well what do you know, there's a li'l bit of the Matterhorn in the upper left, still only framed in wood and steel. This view is better than nothing I suppose! The photographer wasn't even interested in that... I think they were aiming at the the elk partially hidden in the underbrush.


  1. I love the alignment of Castle Rock over the Matterhorn-in-progress. The photographer must’ve taken it because of the way the two peaks aligned. Perfect!

    In the second image, is that the “unfriendly” Indian settlement near Fort Wilderness? These two images are really extra cool!

  2. Chuck9:27 AM

    I love the fact that there are about as many adults on the Castle Rock "formation" as there are adults.

    The third photo reminds me of one of those "Hidden Picture" puzzles - "find the three pyramids."

  3. I love that bobcabear -- I've never seen it before, either!

  4. K. Martinez, I don't think that the alignment of the two peaks was on purpose... the photographer did eventually get a decent photo of the Matterhorn (stay tuned). As for the Indian teepees, I'm not sure if they belonged to friendlies or not.

    Chuck, don't forget about the adults! ;-)

    Rich T., what the heck IS it?!

  5. Chuck - me too - these were my parents generation and it makes me feel good to know that some of their "inner children" could be brought out by Disneyland to the point where they were willing to do these little treks and rides. My parents were such serious people. They sat on a bench while my best friend and I took in the rides. I don't ever remember them riding.
