Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Century 21 Expo, Seattle 1962

It's time to head to Seattle (circa 1962) to visit the Century 21 Expo! 

Belgian waffles with whipped cream and strawberries were a popular treat at the 1964 New York World's Fair, but as we can see in this first picture, they were first served at the Seattle Expo. Sounds dee-lish!

As long as we're in a snacking mood, let's go find a vending machine for a quick bite. Those buckaroos are getting as much ice cream on their faces as in their tummies.

Hey look, it's the Go-Go's! That must be Belinda in the center. I wonder who had the idea to do a water ski show in the middle of a dirt stadium? Genius! I'm also wondering how many tricks they could do on that narrow strip of artificial ocean. There's a ramp for a jump, and I suppose the could make a human pyramid, and then the side-by-side thing that they're doing in this picture. They also made a circuit of the stadium simultaneously eating turkey legs. Exciting? You bet!

It all looks pretty dangerous, to tell the truth. One slip, and WHAMMO! That's right, the company that makes Frisbees and Hula Hoops shows up. I don't understand it, I merely report it.

I'll have a few more Seattle Expo photos coming up!


  1. If I hadn't seen these photos, I never would've believed anyone could water ski in formation around a tight track like that! I hope they all got through the season okay!

  2. Vacation, all I ever wanted ♫ ♪ ♫ Vacation, had to get away ♪ ♫ ♪

    Yeah, that water ski show seems pretty dangerous for the performers..

  3. Yes, the 1962 World's Fair introduces the U.S. to the Belgium Waffle. We couldn't just rely on water skiing in a circular bath tub for our fame-!

  4. I don't comment often, but that second photo has EVERYTHING: stripy clothes, crewcut lads in cowboy hats, cat-eye sunglasses, deadly stroller design, vintage typefaces. Best of all, nothing says "yummy" like a beige food-vending machine. Mm-mm! Seriously, it's a beaut. Transporting.

  5. Looking at the last two pix makes me want to water ski through "it's a small world".

  6. I came to this site for the photos. I stay for the commentary.

    I really needed some laughs today. Thank you all.

  7. Rich T., these performers did a similar show at the New York fair just two years later.

    TokyoMagic!, I am mostly impressed that you could somehow do those little music notes!!

    Nanook, I think I need to buy the ingredients and make my own Belgian waffles, they sound so good (and I never had them)!!

    Brian, I admit that those vending machines don't inspire much confidence. Why didn't they paint them a nice aqua, or yellow, or even white? Glad you liked today's pix.

    K. Martinez, I think I would want to sit in an inner tube, but I know what you mean!

    Chuck, sounds like your day didn't start out too well, hope it got better.

  8. I am also a vending machine stuff.

    I wonder what the show was there in the middle of the stadium? Maybe some trapeze act from the nets and a circus act of some sort in the ring?

    I have always been intrigued by those pretty water skiers since seeing them on tv shows in the 60s.

    Looking forward to more from Seattle!

  9. Just returned from Seattle where I was able to tour the fair grounds on Mondat (yay no rain!). A few nice buildings remain, including the water-ski stadium pictured, the former U.S. Science pavillion and of course the Space Needle.

  10. The show in the middle of the water ski course was a circus - one with human performers, no animals. The whole stadium area was sparsely attended and was the only real flop at the fair.

    The Belgian Waffles in Seattle were a heavier, denser batter than what became famous in New York. They still look good though.

    The fair made a big deal about those vending machines. It's hard to realize it now but back in 1962 this was something amazing - being able to buy food from a machine. Before then you could get some drinks, cigarettes, candy, etc., but not sandwiches, ice cream, etc. They actually limited the number of fast food places so as to emphasize the "space age" vending machine concept.


  11. Thank you for the great info, Bill!
