Thursday, September 06, 2012

More Instamatic Pix

Here are two more mid-1960's Instamatic photos...

I like this pretty shot of the Matterhorn through the branches of a tree (you can juuuust see the star atop the mountain). The light has an interesting quality here, not really sure why. We get a pretty good look at the Monsanto sign; the blue shape echoes the shape of the House of the Future in the background.

Standing in Town Square looking toward Main Street Station, we can see a sign on the steps telling us that the Disneyland Railroad isn't operating on this particular day. I think the train might have been closed while the early construction on the Haunted Mansion was going on - but it's hard to say for sure, since I don't have a specific date on any of the pictures in this batch.


  1. Nice, unusual view of the Matterhorn!

    Why, oh why did they fill in those openings at the top of the lift hills?

  2. oh wow - the Matterhorn, Monsanto/HOF sign AND a sky bucket all in the same picture. Only here :) and framed by feathery branches of that chinese elm ?

  3. Somethin's held up the iron horse and the alpine waterfalls done gone dry.

    Yet I'd still like to be there...

  4. Beutiful shot of the Matterhorn and an orange skyway gondola.

    Rich T. - I miss that quick view of Main Street from the top of the bobsled lift hill before descending into the Matterhorn.

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I love the Instamatic square format and fixed focus - it made composition easier for beginning photographers who didn't think about the rule of thirds, near/far perspective, visual point of interest, etc. Pop a Flashcube on the camera and you were set for anything that happened 6 feet in front of you.

    Bill in Denver

  6. I love all the layers in the first picture. A two-layer sign, then tasty layers of trees, house, and trees on a fresh bed of Matterhorn. Garnish with a sprig of elm.

  7. Rich T., you mean where the Skyway used to pass through?

    Debbie V., the friend who gave me those photos (to keep! for free!) is pretty dismissive of them, but I think he took some really nice pictures, especially when you consider that he was a teenager at the time.

    Chiana, I didn't even notice that the Matterhorn's waterfalls were dry. Maybe the whole ride was down for refurb.

    K. Martinez, OK, I guess we're not talking about the Skyway tunnels…?

    Bill in Denver, you make some interesting observations about the square format… I would have never considered that it would make for easier compositions.

    Melissa, sounds delish!

  8. Maybe they slipped and didn't keep the snow paint on the Matterhorn fresh, so it dried. The dry runoff resulted in dry falls...

    [ / dry humor ]

  9. All things I Tomorrowland sky bucket, House of the Future on a sunny day (not enough pictures of this for sure), a rare look at that Monsanto sign, trees and a beautiful mountain...doesnt get much better!
