Friday, August 03, 2012

More Disneyland Wardrobe Department

Who wants more stuff from the Disneyland Wardrobe Department? Huck has provided another batch of vintage awesomeness.

I love this costume, which would have been worn by a monorail ticket seller in 1970. This woman looks like she's performing in a broadway musical; the outfit is reminiscent of the kind stewardesses wore in the early 1950's. Maybe it's just the little hat!

Here's a men's Monorail costume (also from 1970), although it was not specified exactly what a fellow like this would be doing.  Goofing off mostly, is my guess! Just kidding, I'm sure this guy was courteous and helpful.

And now for my favorite wardrobe model (you may remember her from here and here) in an outfit that was, according the the title of the photo, for "Fantasyland Attractions". She's just too darn cute.

Thanks as always to Huck for these great images!


  1. I don't know about those hats. They appear to be designed for something other than the human head.

  2. Bottom one looks like the chorus in a floor show of Summer Magic.

    Thanks again Huck!

  3. He looks curtious and friendly but I don't know if I get on a monorail piloted by Ed Grimley. He might pull those pants up high and run around the cabin don't you know.

    Number 3.....Hubba hubba as usual!!

    Thanks again

  4. She's a Fantasyland attraction all on her own! I am really digging the starched, scalloped apron. Must've been a bear to keep those so white.

  5. I'll add a Marcia Brady "Marvy!" to those two Groovys!

  6. The first two look like there on their way to the near future of the bicentennial.

  7. Nanook, the guy's hat looks particularly strange. Too tall or something.

    Chiana, lucky us, Huck just sent me a few more from this set!

    Alonzo, ha ha! He totally looks like Ed Grimley, I must say!

    Melissa, you're right, how long did that crisp clean look last during a hot, busy day?!

    Nancy, I grok where you are at.

    Snow White Archive (I'm so used to typing "sanctum"), it is pretty groovy.

    TokyoMagic!, I think #3 is even cuter than Marsha Brady, and that's saying something.

    K. Martinez, it's true, you see a lot of red, white and blue in those late-60's, early-70's costumes.

  8. Mark's sportin' a 1970 Monorail RO outfit he'd have worn (if he'd actually been a Retlaw employee—which he wasn't) to do everything from ticket taking to crowd control (as Retlaw operated the steam trains and Monorail, those employees didn't actually work for Disneyland—so run-of-the-mill DL ROs couldn't reroute the bullpens (queues) when the Monorail lines around the lagoon began to mate with the Bobsled lines around the Matterhorn, etc.) to actually operating the Monorails, themselves.

    Swoopie, on the other hand, is wearing the generic '66 Fantasyland RO costume for attractions which didn't have ride-specific outfits (think Mad Tea Party, King Arthur Carrousel, etc.) and for those gals working a Fantasyland Attractions relief shift. This way Swoopie could bump an Alice RO so she could take a break and do the same thing 15 minutes later at Toad and not look out of place. Of course, how could she *ever* look out of place with that smile and vicious 'do? Hmmm? Somewhere I also have Swoopie modeling that same costume with an optional sun bonnet for those baking-in-the-Anaheim-summer-sun Dumbo, Casey Jr. days.

    Now, where's Mike to give us the *real* lowdown on these particular duds?


  9. Yeah, seems like the Bicentennial lasted from about 1967-1980.

  10. Huck, Mike doesn't have to do anything now, you did all the work already! If you can ever find a picture of Swoopie with the optional sun bonnet, I'd love to see it!

    Melissa, everyone was wearing red white and blue for a few years. I know I did!

  11. Teah...Huck said it all. The Female Monorail Ticket Taker costume I show in her Monorail Pilot Costume(with stretch pants!!) in one of my earliest posts on my TOMORROWLOUNGE BLOG. I also have an alternate version on the female ticket taker with a different model.....the costume appears the same however it may be a winter version. The guy Monorail cast member is displaying the summer version of the costume as there is also a futuristic zipper coat available.

    These Monorail costumes were designed for the introduction of the "new" MARK III 1969 Monorails.

  12. Oh so cool! I suppose in 40 years someone will think today's costumes are cool.

  13. Picture #1 looks like she could double as a Southwest Airlines flight attendant.
