Thursday, August 09, 2012

Knott's in the 1950's

Here's a pair of fun vintage Knott's Berry Farm images!

First up, there's Chief Red Feather (in the lovely sky-blue shirt) posing with a visitor, and armed with an extra feathered headdress just in case. In the background, other less famous Native Americans (they must have worked at Knott's for much less time) are doing there thing too. Is that man with the smiling face (to our right) wearing a bison hat, complete with horns? Maybe he knows Fred Flintstone. This slide was dated "May 27 1956".

Well, readers of this blog have certainly seen plenty of images of the old Gold Mine, where you could "pan out your own gold". In this case, I just get a kick out of the people in this photo, from their clothing to the happy (or intensely interested) expressions on their faces. Maybe they'll strike it rich!


  1. Ha! LOVE the bison hat! That had to be hot.

  2. Boy oh boy, those folks in the second pic are really dressed to the mid-1950's, casual-look 'nines'. About the only thing missing is a cigarette pack tucked in somewhere on one of the gents shirts, etc. It's kinda nice to see folks enjoying a day full of fun and relaxation, without feeling the need to don coats, ties, fancy skirts and of course - heels.

  3. Great photos! That second pic looks like it could have been composed by Norman Rockwell!

  4. If I had that bison hat, I'd try to sneak into the background of as many people's vacation pics as possible!

  5. Great photos, Major! Count me as wanting one of those goofy bison horn hats also. Disneyland (or at least Canada pavilion at Epcot) should get on selling those. Better than a Cars Land tire hat any day.

  6. Sorry for the double comment, but I just noticed in the first photo that all the folks are posing with the in-park Indians under one of my favorite (and rather creepy) Knott's landmarks: the Hangman's Tree.

    Was it still at the entrance to Ghost Town back then?

  7. I like the first pic with the two older woman in headdresses.

  8. Wow, the lady in the red ehaddress looks like my Grandma's doppelganger. Doppelgranny?

  9. Shelby, I have to admit that I would love to have a bison hat like that. Strictly for formal occasions of course.

    Nanook, these folks look like they are straight out of a cola ad from the time. "When panning for gold, take the pause that refreshes!".

    Connie, it does have that Norman Rockwell feeling!

    Rich T., why sneak? People would welcome you with open arms. How often do you get to have a person wearing a bison hat in your photos?

    Lillian K., oh man, I would think that Disney could sell a ton of hats like that! And you can see a tiny drawing of the Hangman's Tree in the handout maps from the 50's (and into the 60's).

    K. Martinez, doesn't it look like that lady in the background (to the right) is wearing a fez?

    Melissa, I wouldn't mind having more than one of my grandma, she was awesome!

  10. I want the black and tan shirt that the guy is wearing on the far left of the second pic!

    @ Lillian K. - The old Hangman's Tree is pretty much in the same spot in this photo as it is today. I believe it may have been moved just a few feet over the years. I seem to remember that it was taken down briefly while the Ghost Town was being redone in 1985 ("Ghost Town Alive In '85!) I also remember it having a short metal pole on the back side of it for added support at one time, but I think the pole is no longer there (or maybe it is now inside the tree.)
