Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fun in Adventureland, September 1959

For the third day in a row, we're looking at pictures from 1959. Normally I try to mix it up a bit more, but a life of debauchery has caused me to lose my grip. For instance, if I didn't know better, these two ladies appear to be posing with a giant chipmunk! Not again. Wait, let me rub my eyes with my curled up fists, like they do in cartoons. Yep, still looks like a giant chipmunk. Oh well, the important thing is that it is all consensual; and hey! this is America.

There's old Smiley. He's not really smiling, he's singing "Mack the Knife", which was a hit for Bobby Darin in 1959. That is one talented crocodile.


  1. And he's always looking for a handout (the chipmunk, not the crocodile).

  2. "OH the crock babe
    has such teeth dear
    and he shows them a-pearly whites..."

  3. Lady on the right looks like a young Edith Bunker.

  4. First the Small World monkeys and now Mac the Knife...I'm really starting to like this version of Disneyland!

  5. TokyoMagic!, I'd say ol' chipmunk has his hands full already.

    Chiana, I don't know if you have any idea what I'm talking about, but I always think of Steve Martin when I hear "Mac the Knife".

    Melissa, funny, the lady on the left looks more like Edith to me! I guess it's better to be a young Edith Bunker than an old one.

    Rich T, wait until the Dapper Dans start gangsta rapping! It will be badass.

  6. You're correct, Major - I got mixed up between Chip's right side and my own.

  7. I am constantly saying "left" when I mean "right" (and vice versa). Maybe I am dyslexic?

  8. Those are some vintage-looking cameras they have hanging around their necks. And that's one vintage looking chipmunk head.

  9. Rich, don't encourage him - he'll just get worse and I won't be able to take it, laughing all the time, spitting up my iced tea, etc. etc.
