Monday, June 25, 2012

Adventureland, October 1967

Let's go to Adventureland! That woman wore her yellow dress because she knew she would eventually wind up right in the middle of somebody's photo on a world-famous blog. Yellow goes well with all of that green. They should definitely go to the Enchanted Tiki Room, where they can see the original full-length show.

A bird - speaking with the voice of a man! Surely it is one of the Devil's minions. Destroy it! The straw hat is pretty cute though. Evil, but cute.

Well, now that we've destroyed that taking bird, we'd better get out of Adventureland. Might as well follow another lady in yellow.


  1. Hehe! Funny captions. Somehow I never noticed the face at the bottom of the sign - is that still there? It's cool! All these pics and still notice new angles. Most of the bottom pic is yet another example (brilliant paint scheme for that bench, whoever did that). Such superb theming. One thing that makes the park special. Yellow Bird's heels by the way are way impractical for a trek around Disneyland.

  2. I love images of Adventureland, so rare a treat. As Chiana_Chat said, funny captions!

    Chiana_Chat, The face moved to the top of the sign when the Dole logo with two pineapples was placed on the bottom of the sign. The sign then disappeared when they installed the new entrance they have today for the Enchanted Tiki Room. That is, unless they moved the sign somewhere where I coudn't see it. I'd say it's gone!

  3. Hey!!! I have that EXACT tiki room price sign!!!! (minus the bamboo frame!! Now I know just where the thing was in the park!!! Same colors and everything!!!

  4. @ K. Martinez, thanks for the info on the sign. Pity if it's gone, it's a striking sign, so specifically Disneyland Tiki.

    The knowledge around here is remarkable and a great reflection on what an impression the place made on us.

    @ Mike, that is so cool!

  5. Anonymous4:08 AM

    For the record, that's Kodak Yellow.

    Bill in Denver

  6. Chiana, I think that the mask/head on the Adventureland sign changed a bit over the years; if I wasn't so lazy (I just got up, gimme a break!) I would go find some other photos as examples. The paint scheme on that bench looks like the colors of a flag.

    K. Martinez, there are plenty of images of Adventureland, but they are mostly hippos, elephants, and crocodiles! Thanks for the info about the sign.

    Mike, I was going to point out that sign, and then I forgot. Super cool that you have it! How did that happen?

    Chiana, I pride myself on my especially brilliant readers!

    Bill in Denver, are you sure it isn't "Ballpark Mustard" yellow? The difference is very subtle!

  7. The Barker Bird....hehehehehehe good times in Adventureland.

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Ah, the blue barker bird. There was also a red one. I remember a huge crowd in the thorofare listening to him.

    Notice the queue posts, how they transition from Main Street to AdventureLand. I also remember a long long wait for the Tiki Room back then. It's such a relief to me now to just walk in and sit. Some times I dont have time even to finish my Dole Whip before being seated.

    I would love to see a close up of that little sign with the ticket info. Details like that make the day.

    Thank you Major. I really enjoy these.


  9. Major, in my experience it seems that vintage Adventureland (non-Jungle Cruise) images are rare in general. It's hard to find images of Sunkist, I Presume, Guatemalan Weavers and Big Game Safari Shooting Gallery in which they're featured prominently. I kind of lump those with trying to find images of Welch’s Grape Juice Bar and the Space Place Restaurant. I can only assume guests visiting Disneyland back then weren’t inspired to take photos of them.

    I have to add that you have such a rich and varied collection in both quality and quantity of Disneyland images. There are so many things about Disneyland I’d forgotten through the years, but your blog has made it possible to re-visit all those memories. Thanks!

  10. Yeah, I believe that sign disappeared at the same time Uti (the goddess of fishing) and her outrigger canoe were removed from their spot above the entrance. :-(

  11. I loved the Florida Barker Bird! I remember my sister and I sitting in the courtyard for what seemed like forever, making sure we had heard his whole repertoire.

  12. Douglas McEwan4:33 PM

    "A bird - speaking with the voice of a man! Surely it is one of the Devil's minions. Destroy it!"

    But it is the voice of Wally Boag! Save it! Cherish it! For that wonderful voice has otherwise been silenced forever.

    Wally, we loved you!

  13. Next to Tomorrrowland, park costumes, attraction posters......vintage Disneyland signs are a specialty!!

    Also a note on that "lady in yellow" in the 50's and 60's fashion designers never used the word "YELLOW" --they used "GOLD"

  14. a side note on that Tiki Room price sign: Mine has "side A" written on the back -- assumingly by a vintage Disneyland sign maker---judging from the double bamboo frame in the 1967 photo--there must be a "sister" sign for the other side out there!!

  15. Welcome to the jungle! Gorgeous then, still gorgeous now :D
