Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Matterhorn, September 1963

The Matterhorn (also known in Switzerland as "Mt. Pointy") is totally rad, and bitchin' too, according to studies. I always thought it was covered in bird poo, but it turns out it is supposed to be snow, so the lesson is: never stop learning. Hey, who likes Pringles potato chips?

Can you tell that I have nothing new to write about the venerable Matterhorn? I love it, I just can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said. Sorry about the bird poo thing.


  1. You know. Considering the fact that the Matterhorn at Disneyland was a first, they did a really good job of building it. In 1959, not many construction companies were building mountains. It turned out really well.

    They've been repainting the mountain (and other stuff) since January. It is due to re-open on June 15th I believe.

  2. It surprises me how this artificial mountain gives such vibes of Alpine and excitement in the middle of the park in the middle of Anaheim.

    A treasure. We're fortunate to have it. Through Pressler and earthquakes, a joy for people and a mountain of gold asset for the company, for 53 years. Still unique, still unsurpassed.

    I wanna go for a bobsled ride on the Matterhorn!

  3. Bird-poo withstanding; any excuse to view the Matterhorn is valid.

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    The second pic offers a glimpse of the Monsanto house too. No crowds to bother the muscle man and his gal, and the flags are totally still...might have been a warm day on the way.

    Bill in Denver

  5. "Welcome to a most exciting adventure, a breathtaking bobsled ride down the icy slopes of the majestic Matterhorn!"

    The Matterhorn is viewable from every angle, a complete walk-around. With the exception of a few, it seems most of the new Disney “mountains” are constructed to only allow a controlled limited view from certain angles like a studio set. This one-of-a-kind is still the grandest of the "mountains".

  6. Omnispace9:38 AM

    It shows the genius thinking of the day...display a snowy mountain AND disguise the bird poo! ;) The Matterhorn was always one of my favorites, especially when it still had the weird open interior where one could see all the exposed steel. Still, I love the caverns and wish they could make it snow for real.

  7. It's a beaut and a real treasure. And I'll give a thumbs up to Pringles.

  8. I laughed out loud. Love your comments, but yeah, bird poo jokes belong in the Tiki Room.

  9. I thought the bird poo remark was hilarious. And you just know that there has to be some up there at all times. The longer they go between paint jobs, the more there's gonna be. Maybe that's why there was a lot less "snow" in those early years of the Matterhorn? Keep "learnin'" us, Major!

    K. Martinez, I hate the fact that the unfinished side of Expedition Everest can be seen as you drive into the Animal Kingdom parking lot! And I'm not too crazy about the backside view of the new Carsland mountain range from Harbor Blvd. They just don't care anymore, do they? I know, I know, it's all about money. Sad.

  10. OC Native, you are so right... for the first of its kind, the Imagineers did an amazing job. All these years later, it is still a "must ride" for me.

    Chiana, it is surprising how well the Matterhorn works, considering that it is visible from so much of the park. I am really glad that we have the only one; you just know that if they ever built another one, it would be bigger than ours, and then I'd be jealous. (Insert Freudian joke here).

    Thufer, yea verily!

    Bill, I didn't even notice the Monsanto house... see how jaded I've become?

    K. Martinez, it is weird to see "Expedition Everest" from the back... this flat, terrible looking thing. I get why they didn't bother, but it is still disappointing somehow.

    Omnispace, I *really* miss the old open-view interior! But admittedly the abominable snowman and the ice caves are pretty cool too...

    HBG2, bird poo jokes are suitable for ALL occasions. Funerals, weddings, even moon landings.

    TM!, I've said this before, but often in the late afternoon I'll see crows on the Matterhorn, which really destroy the forced perspective. And they're not wearing diapers, so nature is going to take its course. Ha ha, I just noticed that you and I have the same opinion of Expedition Everest (clearly I respond to these things one comment at a time)!

  11. SundayNight4:34 PM

    I always loved seeing the unfinished inside of the Matterhorn when traveling on the Skyway. Sort of gave me a “behind the scenes” look at how it was built.
    By the way Daveland has some new pictures of the Matterhorn.

  12. I'm sure the one-sided view is a cost saving measure.

    SundayNight, I liked the open interior too, but what I miss most is that view of Main Street from that first turn at the top coming off the chain lift in the bosled.

    Major, I sure hope they don't build another Mattehorn. That would bum me out!

  13. My favorite view of the Matterhorn is found in photo 2, the view where we see all of those colorful umbrella tables and the flags. :-)

    When I live in the House of the Future, I am going to build the Matterhorn in my back yard, too!

  14. bloefeld9:23 AM

    I just read somewhere that when the Matterhorn refurbishment is complete, they're bringing back the mountain climbers for a while. Yay.

  15. All new sleds when it re-open!!! Single seating, three to a sled, two sleds connected. They actually look pretty cool, but some "awkward moments" will no longer happen with the old seating arrangement, that was half the fun!

    Oh, I spotted the new sleds last week but also scooped everyone when I saw them two years ago!
