Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Big Train, Knott's Berry Farm - January 1974

As you can tell from the bell-bottoms on that lady, today's photos are from the 70's. Plus I told you that it was 1974 in the title of the post. One of the big locomotives is featured here, looking amazing and huge. Marlon Brando (to the left) agrees that these are some chunky choo-choos.

I think that guy with the glasses is wearing a velour shirt. Velour... even the word is soft and fuzzy. He must have left his striped or plaid pants at the dry cleaners, because that's what you have to wear with velour. Wait, what were we talking about again?


  1. Oh my-! The young lady in the first image is attracting lots of attention with her fabulous, flower-power flared pants and high-heeled shoes. Perhaps they were a just-received Christmas gift...

  2. Ahhh, I remember wearing velour. I wonder if it will ever make a comeback?

  3. Nice pictures today, Major!

    I like the bright yellow train, helps to show everyone that a train is right there in the middle of the walk!!!

    Never ceases to amaze me that the train rides right through the pedestrian area like this. Is it still that way today?

  4. Nanook, Marlon Brando certainly is dazzled by that lady's pants!

    TokyoMagic!, velour should be everywhere! Especially in that ochre, mustardy yellow color.

    Nancy, yes, the train is still like that today, although they've put in some minimal barriers to make it a little less open. Still, it is weird!

  5. I used to wear velour back then. I remember this one olive green velour shirt that I wore until most of the fuzz wore off. It was really sad lookin' by the time I was done wearing it.

    Love the Rio Grand Southern Loco. Beautiful machine!

  6. Oops! I mean Rio Grande Southern.

  7. Wait, you mean Velour is no longer in fashion? Oh man, I gotta get a new wardrobe!
