Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mystery Park, September 1979

Today's "Anything Goes" post features four photos from an unknown amusement park, circa 1979. It could be anywhere, and yet I get an east coast vibe from them.

Hmmm, a "flying elephant" ride; the elephant is dressed like a clown. It even looks like his ears are hinged to move. Dumbo? Well, almost! I wish we could see the pint-sized pachyderm's face to see just how much he was like his Disney counterpart. Meanwhile, this kid is giving the secret high sign, indicating that he is a Freemason.

This is like the Astro Jets, only they just scoot along the ground, whipping you 'round and 'round. Urp! Must have looked kind of cool when the headlights came on at night.

That's right lady, I'm looking at YOU. I can't quite tell what that ride is, except that it is another "spinner".  Maybe speedboats?

The "Bubble Bounce"! This was a popular amusement park ride - and might still be, for all I know. It was very similar to the Teacups, only there was one large turntable, with 8 (or so) vehicles that you could spin.  The lesson that I have learned today is that people cannot get enough of being spun in a circle! They'll pay over and over for it. But why?!

I know there's not a lot to go by, but if anybody knows where these pictures were taken, please chime in!


  1. D ticket12:35 AM

    You're right, it's very much on the east coast. Wildwood New Jersey, right on the ocean. We're in Morey's Piers, established in 1969. The elephants are pink now.

  2. The building behind the irritated looking lady is the Oakview Hotel which is still there!

  3. Ha ha, well that didn't take long! Thanks D ticket and Gojira...

  4. I love it when readers can figure out where a place is!

  5. I'm think Dad was pretty smart here -though I wonder about what his leisure suit looked like- by letting the Mopped Top son ride all of what appears to be dangerous attractions run by (probably) scary looking carny's.

    Oh, those halcyon days of horrible dress-wear and questionable hairstyles and where a loose chain will somehow protect a kid from being flung to New Jersey.

    Miss those days.

  6. Ah, spinning in a circle! I remember when centrifugal force was the greatest sensation on Earth...until I got all old and motion sick and stuff!

  7. K. Martinez2:21 PM

    Rich T., I know what you mean. Time passing does something to the body. My days of spinning in a teacup are no more.

  8. i like these kind of places...always a lot of fun. Our local Kennywood will be opening in a couple of weeks for the summer season!
