Sunday, March 04, 2012

Those Dancin' Prancin' Indians




  1. Post haiku?

    Drum stamp silk leather
    Sit in child's questions
    Strange words all there
    Feather passed the river

  2. Chiana - whoa! I haven't written a haiku since high school. But I always liked their simplicity... sort of like Hemingway poetry.

    Still, I'm more of a limerick guy! Preferably naughty.

  3. @Aaron_Ardle8:08 AM

    That's not a haiku. A haiku is three lines. First line 5 syllables. Second line seven syllables. Third line 5 syllables.

    A haiku has rules
    Five, seven, five, line by line
    Only three lines long

  4. If he sees a good photo he'll grab it.
    With him it's a regular habit.
    Aurora's a treat
    And Snow White is so sweet
    But he'd rather have Jessica Rabbit.

    Is that naughty enough?

    I sometimes wonder it you could piece together the entire Indian Dance Circle routine with the piles of photos that have been taken and posted online.

  5. @Aaron - true, a decent try at haiku would have to observe the rules of form, plus it's a bit too spare however arranged. 'Tis not a decent try though and I'm even worse at "poetry"!

    @HBG2 - Since different tribes were represented at different times, each with their own dances, I doubt it. But one could surely put together a slideshow sure to flatten the heartiest buns.

  6. interesting commentary, Major....not much renders you thus!

    both Chiana and HBG2 had some good words to say....better than I could have come up with, that's for sure! I am just enjoying the scenery :-)

  7. Katella, I see you agree with me.

    @Aron_Ardle, I remember the haiku rules, but I give Chiana points for breakin' the rules!

    HBG2, I think you did an excellent job, and it is just naughty enough (but not too naughty) for this family-friendly blog! And yes, I think one probably could piece together an entire Indian Dance routine with my photos alone. I have tons that I don't even bother scanning.

    Chiana, you did OK in my book!

    Nancy, I always get the best comments!

  8. @Aaron_Ardle2:13 PM

    Maybe it's a fauxku

  9. How many times have I told you not to work on your blog while you're getting your pedicure? See? You hit the send button before you could write your comments.
