Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Parade, June 1969

Today's photos feature a parade; kind of a scruffy parade, judging by these pictures! Of course three images don't tell the whole story, but it really looks like they just let the costumed characters march up Main Street.

The Three Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf are first; I love the BBW's attitude (hands on hips) as he seems to be regarding a couple of kids. "Well? What are you lookin' at?". A young girl has put herself in harm's way to get up close and personal with the piggies. I remember when girls dressed like that in school.

Captain Hook, Smee, and Peter Pan lead the way for Pooh and Eeyore. Is that another character in the foreground right? Very tall, blue coat, furry arms. Who could it be! I'd guess it might be Br'er Bear, except....

... there's Br'er Bear! And they've shut the door to the backstage area behind him. Br'er Fox is there too, and the motorized Fire Truck; it sort of looks like the Royal Street Bachelors are along for the ride.


  1. Put herself in harm's way? She's put herself on display in front of the crowd is what she's done, all proud of her tan and twiggyness. How else could one explain those pants. As this camera man takes a pic of her, she takes a pic of her opposite, some pale porkers. The Big Bad Wolf is in a huff, because she spurned him. He's threatening other people who had laughed at him that he will huff and puff and blow their little tots down.

    lol @ the Br'er Bear Bros.

  2. PS - your school was cooler than mine.

  3. Where's Space Mountain?

  4. I think the figure in the foreground is just a man with hairy arms. His blue shirt is still there in the corner of the third picture.

    (Or is my sarcasm detector broken?)

  5. I remember when girls in school dressed that way too, what happened???

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Space Mountain didn't exist in 1969. I might have been working at Hill's the day these were shot. Yes, girls did dress like that. Great days for this teenager!

  7. Chiana, even now you'll see somebody leap out into the parade route to snap a photo, although the cast members are pretty good about reining them back in quickly. I say "Let them get squished".

    TM!, Space Mountain is there, but in the 7th dimension!

    Melissa, now that I look at it, you are right. MAN that dude is hairy!!!

    VDT, I remember moving back to California after a few years in Pennsylvania, and I could hardly believe the way girls dressed in junior high school. And Chiana, looking back it IS pretty amazing that parents would let their daughters go to school like that!

    Anon, don't worry, TokyoMagic! definitely knows that Space Mountain wasn't there!

  8. rusty3:26 PM

    Wow...seeing the old Hills Bros. restaurant made my day. Each trip started there-eating breakfast, looking at my ticket book and planning the day. Thanks!

  9. I sooo wanna jump into the photo and have just one more breakfast at the coffee house :-(

  10. Mr Fur there in the last image looks like he is getting ready to do the robot or something!!

    I dont know where this is the park these days (tho I have an idea), but I wish that restaurant was still there...i love the sign!
