Thursday, October 06, 2011

Frontierland Entrance, July 17, 1968

Greetings, GDB readers.... these photos were taken on Disneyland's 13th birthday. Happy Birthday, Disneyland! Maybe you've heard of it. It's a place that sells churros, and they installed rides to give people something to do while waiting their turn to buy more churros. Today's photos were taken on the day of Disneyland's 13th birthday, which was very lucky. Because they sold their millionth churro.

Here's the entrance to Frontierland, and judging by the lack of people and the long east-to-west shadows, the park had probably just opened; it's a hazy July morning that looks like it's going to get hot eventually. You would have been able to fry an egg on that slurry by 2 o'clock. Hey, see those two signs on the big wooden gates?

Well, I've got pictures of them, too. It has all the information you'll ever need about the flags of the original 13 colonies. Or does it? Why doesn't it mention the flag with the motorcycle jumping the flaming skull, designed by Ben Franklin and sewn by Betsy Ross?

Words! If I wanted to read, I would have gone to the liberry!! But I have to admit that this sign gives me some good ideas for the next time I make a fort out of blankets, chairs, and sofa cushions. Notice the misspelling in the second paragraph: "....unobstructed veiw of the clearing". That one is for Progressland.


  1. Orange Co Native12:35 AM

    Frontierland was my favorite land when I was a kid. Boy, it sure was empty on that morning of July 17th 1968.

  2. Totally digging these Maj. First, the top pic is 'portal into a dream' worthy. Look at the center framed by the gate. In the distance, wilderness trees. Closer in the distance, a sailing ship's masts and flags! Closer, a steamboat. Closer, the facades of old frontier-era buildings like a mercantile. Around it is the inviting park. :D

    Great shots of those signs. I suppose they vanished a few decades ago?

  3. OC Native, I was a Tomorrowland boy, but I loved ALL the lands!

    Chiana, I should just copy/paste your comment and replace what I wrote. You know, I think there are still signs there, but am not entirely sure. Time to do a Google image search.

  4. YAY more old Frontierland! 2 FL posts in one week? You're spoiling me, you know that right? But if tomorrow's post is Tomorrowland I'll start to get really freaked out... haha
    Those boys look SO excited, I love it.
    PS I like what you wrote! Don't change! :D

  5. Signs are still there, but not these signs. They are not handpainted and so can't compare with the ones you posted. "The Log Fort" sign text is identical (except they corrected "veiw"). The "Flags of the 13 Colonies" text has been heavily edited (and it's now titled "Flags of the Revolutionary War").

  6. Hannahx2, I have the feeling I post Frontierland more than 2 times a week, typically! Maybe not, though. Who keeps track? Not me! I'm afraid that tomorrow's post will not feature Tomorrowland though. Sorry!

    Progressland, thanks for that info. I wanted to check the signs myself when I was at the park last week, but totally forgot. As usual.

    Cheer up, Connie!

  7. only one thing is missing from that image.....US in it enjoying the sunshine and the promise of food and fun (and of course the lovely pines...)

    another Tomorrowlander in the group...YAY!! i'll vote for that!

    my password today is someone who is tipsy would say Huey Lewis lol....

  8. Glad you didn't Maj as like Hannahx2 I also enjoyed your commentary. :)

  9. Don't change a thing, including Frontierland.

    I have to confess that I always had an overload of "old West", between Knotts, Columbia/Sonora/Jamestown, Virginia City and Calico, which we also visited periodically, Frontierland was the best, but still not that "unusual".

    I think I always preferred NOS, it is still a wonder to me how it can seem so big, with so many hidden vistas. A work of art.

    The signs are great too. I did read the revolutionary war sign recently, with the description of "Don't Tread On Me". I thought that one would have been edited out.

