Monday, July 11, 2011

Lush Frontierland, June 1962

Today's photos show a Frontierland practically swallowed up by the riotous growth of plants after a mere 7 years. Combine Southern California's warm, sunny climate with plenty of water, and watch your trees and shrubs go nuts!

Compare this first photo...

... to a similar angle from 1956!

There are at least 5 elk (elks?) in this photo, and 3 elephants. Can you find them all?

And finally, a view of Fort Wilderness, mostly hidden by trees. You'd need a crafty scout to lead you to this safe haven.


  1. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Elk is the plural form.

    That settler's cabin burned, but it never burned down.

  2. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Stop spamming the Major, "Alan".

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I only see two elephants. But later today, after I start my regular afternoon drinking, I expect I'll see some more.

  4. WOW!! I love those first two photos! What a change!

  5. I found two Elks, a Shriner, and an Odd Fellow, plurals be damned.

  6. Only at Disneyland is watching the 'grass' grow considered an organized sport.
    Love it.

  7. I figured it was "elk". The plural of moose is "meese".

    Anonymous from 5:42, I deleted "Alan's" comment (I WILL delete spam), but thank you for sticking up for me! Now I'm the only person who will understand your comment, but that's OK.

    I can't believe you guys can't see the third elephant, he's so obvious.

    Maybe I should have done "then and now" comparisons for the other photos as well! Wah-wahhhhh (sad trombone)....

  8. Well, I'm late to the party....Katella, you made me laugh out loud. Are the Odd Fellows still around? Such a strange name for a group. Major, I circled all of the hidden animals in the photo with a Sharpie, but it's's erasable!

  9. What Katella Gate said.

    Wonderful views. Everything grows faster in SC.


  10. Tokyo, yes the International Order of Odd Fellows is still in business.. wanna join? I gather they got their name because they were open to members who "didn't fit in" at other fraternal organizations.
