Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Anything Goes" Saturday

It's time for another "Anything Goes" installment here on Gorillas Don't Blog. You just never know what you're going to see.

Today we are in the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, home of the 1932 Olympics (not to mention the 1984 games). This photo is from 1942, right in the depths of WWII. I am assuming that this is a combination of a half-time show (there's the USC band) and war bond drive. It's not often that you see a submarine in a football stadium! By gum, it's a captured Japanese "min sub". A different mini sub fired a torpedo at the USS West Virginia at Pearl Harbor.

And there it goes, around the track for everyone to get a good look at. I wonder if folks in the crowd had any idea that the war would grind on for nearly 3 more years? Anyway, I find these photos to be a fascinating slice of history.


  1. Hey, the sub is on a "track", just like at Disneyland!!!

    Anyone know if those squares along the side are portholes?

    Fascinating pics today, Major!

  2. wow, that is really something! i was also wondering about whatever those are on the side, never saw anything like that before. i am liking Anything Goes... :D

  3. Chuck5:21 AM

    At first I thought the squares on the side were openings connected to the submarine's ballast tanks, but on second thought (and review of a lot of pictures of Ko-hyoteki class midget subs at, I think this was a secion of hull panel removed so the inside of the sub was visible when put on display.

    There's a photo of another Ko-hyoteki captured in Australia being transported by road to a public display (, and it seems to have a different series of holes cut in the hull to allow interior views.

  4. Chuck5:22 AM

    Oh, and great post, Major! I love seeing the 30s and 40s in color, and I've never seen anything like this before, either.

  5. Americana at its finest. At a time when the country was truly united for one cause. Great pics Major.

  6. Yet another "Submarine in the Coliseum" photo - almost as common as Castle photo.

    The second shot is surreal.. Great post, thanks! "Americana at its finest" indeed...

  7. WOW!!

    Fascinating slice of history is an understatement!

  8. Another WOW here! What amazing shots! Definitely a slice of history, and just plain trippy to see that sub being displayed like that. Dig it.

  9. 210Frwy4:35 PM

    Color slides from the 40s! And what a rare picture! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow!!! Extreme!!! I wonder if this is the one we "gave back" that's in Japan now.
