Saturday, June 04, 2011

"Anything Goes" Saturday... Vegas Style!

Well, Junior Gorillas, today marks the first "Anything Goes" entry on this blog; which is to say that on one or two days a week (probably weekends), you just never know what you are going to see. I'm going to delve into my not-very-vast collection of non-theme park/World's Fair images (only a box or two), and see how it goes. If nothing else, these posts should introduce a bit more variety to what is normally seen here, and hopefully that will be a good thing.

Today I chose this photo from 1964, with a happy group of folks posing in front of the old marquee for the Tropicana hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. It's like a giant pineapple crown, which is apropos (I just wanted an excuse to use the word "apropos"). Love the sign for the Golf Club Motel in the background, too.

Here's the pool, which is not as vast and over-the-top as some of the pools you'll see in Vegas today. No water slides or wave machines... but it still looks mighty inviting, especially on one of those 100+ degree days.

And just because, here is the classic Stardust casino in 1962, only four years after it had opened. I love the planets and stars, and of course at night it shimmered in colorful neon. The Stardust closed in 2006, and was imploded in 2007.

I hope you've enjoyed this first Anything Goes installment!


  1. These were great, Major! I love old Vegas far better than the Vegas of today. Why did everything vintage have to be imploded? It would have been nice if some of the original locations could have been restored to their mid-century glory.

    I wonder what that "4th All New Titanic 1962 Revue" was all about at the Stardust? Should I assume it had nothing to do with the ship?

  2. Anything Goes is a "good thing" as Martha would say Major. Old Vegas... nothing like it. More, more, more!!

  3. TM!, I guess Vegas is like Disneyland... it's not a museum, but I sort of wish it was! Yes, I presume that "Titanic" meant "big", not the ship.

    Viewliner, we'll see some more old Vegas in the future! I have about 50 LV slides.

  4. Vegas Baby! Bring it on! Really nice pictures today MP. These pictures are so squeaky clean you can hardly smell the Mafia.

    I used to design pools in Palm Springs, so it was a kick to see vintage swimming holes that were actually designed for swimming and diving. Pools today tend to be conversation pits with drainage issues -- Although I do love the conversation inglenooks in the pool picture. The blue palm pots are no doubt filled with kitty litter and used for ashtrays.

  5. Tokyo: I had to do a double take when I saw "Titanic" in the headliner too. And yes, I thought of the musical. Shame on me.

  6. these are great! i would so have stayed at the Stardust, tho maybe not for the show lol!

    looking forward to more vintage Vegas and whatever else you have there in those boxes ;-)

  7. Major Awesomeness!!! No, not you, vintage Vegas, LOL! LOVE vintage Vegas! I stayed at the Stardust in 1985 and had a blast exploring it. Too bad I didn't have a digital camera back then. I feel cheated...I never got to see the Happy Jesters, LOL.

  8. Great images, like everyone I love vintage Vegas as well!

  9. I LOVE old Vegas. More, please!

  10. Thumbs up for Vegas. Actually, Major, I would probably read anything that had your dialog behind it.

    Best regards.


  11. Old Vegas is the only Vegas. I know it was seedier and all, but today's Vegas is just so ... commercial. Cleaned-up vegas just sucks.
