Thursday, May 12, 2011


Today marks the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Gorillas Don't Blog. I can hardly believe it, especially since my original goal was 1000 posts - something that was achieved over two years ago. I've scanned the majority of my collection, with only a relatively small amount remaining. It seemed like it would last forever, but sadly that is not the case. However, this will give me an opportunity to share my vast collection of beanie babies, Hummel figurines, and items from the Franklin Mint. You'll love it!

Hey, guess what? I saved a few especially nice images just for this occasion; let's take a look.

The wonderful, short-lived Viewliner (aka "The Train of Tomorrow") sits at the station in Tomorrowland (there was another station in Fantasyland, y'know), about to embark on a wonky figure-eight trip around the northeast section of Disneyland. In case you care, this slide was carefully dated "July 20 1957"; the Viewliner had only been operating about a month. It eventually closed in September of 1958.

You don't see too many photos taken aboard the Viewliner! Here's one as we round a curve right next to the berm. I believe that the Viewliner was in the northeast corner of the park, and making the turn to head west.

I love this picture of the Pack Mules as they return from a trip through the Rainbow Desert (this was a few years before Nature's Wonderland). The brave and resourceful guide looks like an undercover FBI agent.

And here's a terrific early photo of the TWA Rocket to the Moon! Cherry-blossom pink must have been an "in" color for ladies in 1955. Over to the left, a side entrance to the park - for employees only - is open, but I assume that's a security guard making sure nobody thinks about sneaking in for free. To the right, you can see that the Flight Circle is just a muddy hole in the ground at this point.

There's Vesey Walker and the Disneyland Band (circa 1956) performing at the old bandstand in "Magnolia Park" (which was about where the Indiana Jones attraction is today). Is the band playing classic Disney songs, or olde-timey songs from yesteryear? Either way, the guests seem to be enjoying themselves.

Well, that about does it for today. Thanks as always to all of you Junior Gorillas (i.e. readers) out there, especially those of you who take the time to comment - your encouragement keeps me going. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to meet my revised goal of 2000 posts, but I'll do my darndest!


  1. D ticket12:26 AM

    This milestone post is like fireworks on the Fourth of July! What a fantastic set of scans. You get 2 cool views of the Oldsmobile, er, Viewliner, a column of pack mules, the TWA Rocket surrounded by pink taffeta, and the band playing in the old bandstand. What a treat.

    5 years of daily posts is quite an achievement, don't think that we don't appreciate the new set every midnight.

  2. It's so sad that you will eventually run out of Disneyland photos--but what a wealth of riches these 5 years have been! A real accomplishment!

  3. Pegleg Pete6:38 AM

    Congratulations on reaching your fifth anniversary! Your blog always brightens my day.

  4. Happy 5th Major. And of course what would a 5th anniversary be without the Viewliner. Fantastic!

    I appreciate all you have done over the years Major. And look forward to many more. Richard.

  5. Congratulations! And thanks for saving such a great set of photos for the day.

  6. Happy Anniversary! I'm a relative newcomer to this blog and find that I can not live with out my daily dose of wonderful views into the past. I'm part of that past and it brings back so many memories. Wish my Dad had taken slides of the Park back then. He did of everything else it seems. Sigh. Looking forward to as many views as you have left.

  7. Holy cow, Batman! 5 years!!! I can't imagine my life without your blog. And to know that you will soon be posting pictures of "...beanie babies, Hummel figurines, and items (mostly dolls and plates) from the Franklin Mint..." well, it takes my breath away!

    Seriously, between you and Davelandweb, I have not only become hooked on reading your blogs but you guys inspired me to resume blogging.

    Today's photos are AMAZING. I think my jaw actually hit the floor when I enlarged the first photo.

  8. Congrats on the 5 years. Those pictures are simply amazing of the Viewliner.
    Always good to see Vesey, even if it is his back.
    Well done and I hope you keep going another 5 years if not more.
    Thank you.

  9. Happy FIFTH Anniversary! Awesome set of pics today, we are soooo spoiled!

    Hey Major, I think a lot of your readers might not have been on board since May 12, 2006 (like me) so when you hit a slow spot or are wondering "what to post next" rerun some of your older posts, to most of us they will be fresh and new :-)

    Thanks again for all your hard work and amazing - never misses a post - deciated!

  10. Congrats! Keep the pictures coming!

  11. congratulations, David, on five years! it has been great to have your beautiful photos and always fun commentary to look forward to every morning.

    thanks for keeping the vintage Disney memories alive for those of us who didnt have a chance to experience these things first hand. you are the best!!

    the Viewliner is gorgeous.. :)
    special thanks for that

  12. Well, I wasn't able to leave a comment last night due to a probelm with Blogger, or maybe it was just my account. What can I say to you that I haven't told you in the past...and that hasn't already been said above?

    I like VDT's idea, so maybe you would be up for reposting photos you had posted early on? I think you've mentioned in the past having plenty of Fair pics and pics of other parks? If it's just the DL stuff that you are running low on....well, personally I enjoy your pics of other places (and commentary!) just as much as the DL ones!

    You truly are an inspiration, Major. I will always be a fan and I'll support whatever choices you make with your blog in the future....if it's Hummels and beanie babies, then bring them on! (But I know you were joking, and I bet you have far more intersting stuff in your collection to share...just another suggestion!) Congratulations on this huge milestone, Major!

  13. Congrats on 5 years. Though I hope you'll consider posting images from the Bradford Exchange along with Franklin Mint items... ha ha! :)

    I've personally appreciated the view into the many trash cans of Disneyland

  14. Thanks for all the nice messages! I might actually make good on my threat to share photos of other collectibles, although sadly there is not a beanie baby in the bunch.

    Saturday and Sunday might turn into "Anything Goes Weekends" - that's one idea, anyway. Pictures of my 1939 World's Fair pins (I have scores of them!), slides of old Las Vegas or NYC, etc. We'll see!

  15. Yeah, but what about us? Congrats and thanks. I've loved every post.

  16. Congrats on a great blog!Your pictures and stories are heartfelt and funny too.

    5 years is a long time... I know my blog just turned 8 years old April 28th.

    Keep it up and thanks!

  17. Congratulations again! (Does this mean I don't have to congratulate you when you get to ten years?)

  18. Congrats on 5 years - that should at least qualify you for the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award.

  19. Great find with the photo of the Moon Rocket, and the Flight Circle in construction. It looks like they are setting the cement for the light poles (which never changed for the next 10 years when the circle closed. This is the earliest shot I've yet to find, and I to keep every pic of the old circle and put them in chronological order.

    That gate you mentioned was the gate I entered for the first time when I was hired. The locker rooms would be directly behind the moon ride.

  20. Thanks so much for 5 years of outstanding photos and humour!

    (Served up DAILY no less...)

    You set the standard in Vintage Disneyland Bloggification!!!

  21. SundayNight6:37 PM

    Wow! I just about fell out of my chair when I saw that Viewliner photo! But wait there’s I’m actually riding in the viewliner. And that Tomorrowland pic! Is that the Flight Circle being built?
    Please buy more slides so that you never stop posting. I love Hummels as much as the next guy but can’t just stop now.
    Happy 5 years!!!!

  22. Sushi, congrats on 8 years... I can't even imagine!

    Progressland, I think it's safe to say that you don't have to worry about my never-gonna-happen 10 year anniversary!!

    Daveland, that's the only trophy I really want.

    CoxPilot, I thought you might like that one!

    Thank you for the nice words, Walterworld.

    And SundayNight, buying more slides isn't like it used to be. A group of 30 nice slides can easily go for $150 and up. Sort of takes the fun out of it!

  23. Major: I like them ALL, but usually only make comments on stuff I remember. Thanks.

  24. Congratulations Major. Still a daily stop for me to see what great window into the past you've opened up each day. If your collection runs out - start again from the top with all new text and captions! Your humor keeps me coming back.

    Thanks for the smiles and frequent, real-live LOLs.

  25. Crikey! My wife has been on the laptop! That was me - above ^ : )

  26. Hrundi, I was all excited that a babe in Burbank enjoyed my blog! I should have known it was too good to be true.

  27. Yep what Burbank Babe said, just start over when you run out. I've been stopping by daily for a while, mostly cause your so frickin funny!

  28. Major, congratulations on the anniversary! I agree with the sentiments above: Your commentary keeps me coming back day after day. This is one of the brightest, most enjoyable spots on the entire internet. Thank you!

  29. okay, Blogger must have lost our comments during its recent illness b/c I left one and a few others before me that i dont see here.

    congratulations, David, on five fun years, and looking forward to whatever you can bring us in the future! thanks for keepin' on :)

  30. Oh sure, my comment had to disappear! OK, I'll try to remember what I said...

    First of all, I think my jaw hit the floor when I saw that first photo. All of them are remarkable. (I'm sure I sounded a bit more excited but I'm trying to wake up right now.)

    Because of you and Davelandweb, I have become addicted to checking your blogs and in turn, you've both inspired me to resume blogging. Congratulations on five faithful years of wonderfullness and I can hardly wait for the "...vast collection of beanie babies, Hummel figurines, and items from the Franklin Mint."

  31. My comment went away too! Sorry about all the trouble you had but it was Friday the 13th :)
    Anyway I wanted to say congratulations. I'm a newbie on this site and have enjoyed it very much. I'm one of those old people who actually lived through and wore the clothes like in the photos you post. They bring back lots of good memories for me. Wish my Dad had taken slides back then. He took slides of bland things, not cool stuff like Disneyland even though we went often.

  32. And mine as well.... It's still just as sad to think that your photo collection will come to an end, but you are to be congratulated on all the great work you've done and all the memories you've shared so far. Thank you!!

  33. bloefeld2:00 PM

    Congratulations, Major! Five years, Wow! Thanks for making so many people smile on a daily basis. That Viewliner photo is epic!

  34. I had to come post on your anniversary entry even though I am late, thanks to blogger and travel.

    Thanks Major, for five wonderful years of Disney retrospective and off-the-wall commentary.

    May you and your blog live forever.


  35. Thanks for five great years, Major. I don't know how you keep up this pace, but it's all great stuff!

    I think most folks enjoy your writing at *least* as much as the wonderful photos. So don't give up the blog just because you run out of theme park images.

    Gorillas Don't Blog is an institution, dadgummit! Forever in peace may you wave.
