Monday, April 25, 2011

Skyway Views, 1960

Here are two nice Skyway photos, one taken right after the other - but facing different directions.

In this first pic, we're heading towards the Skyway Chalet in Fantasyland, with the Alice in Wonderland attraction directly below us (out of frame). The blue and white-striped tent of a Fantasyland eatery is to the lower right; you can spot all the other familiar attractions!

Our photographer quickly turned around and snapped this photo looking back toward the Matterhorn. Everything is bright and colorful - what a difference it makes to have the sun at your back when taking a picture!


  1. ALWAYS want more shots from the Skyway!!! Now whenever I see the pirate ship, I look at the sails...these are open. Cool photos, Major.

  2. No way! What a sweet picture, Love the pirate ship and all the bright colors on the sails

  3. i love all the benches with the metal circus tent umbrellas, and of course that cute little striped trash can ;)

    so much to see here!
