Sunday, April 10, 2011

Main Street Station, October 1975

I've been spoiled. Spoiled by my grandma? No, spoiled by seeing so many old photos of Main Street Station. It still looks fine in this 1975 photo, but it is so strange to see it without the Santa Fe logo (Santa Fe ceased its sponsorship the year before). Nope, I don't like it. There's no colorful posters either; maybe they seemed dated to the "powers that be" at that time.

Pluto has a kind of crazy look in his eyes. Is that foam I see around his mouth? He's RABID! The blond woman and her child are screaming in terror.... I have to look away because it's too awful.


  1. Notice the Bicentennial star-shape in the planter to the right of the floral Mickey??

    Those Santa Fe RR posters that were displayed on the Main Street Station passenger platforms were still on display on the walls of Disneyland property controll thru the 1997-98 period --before most of those steel sheds were torn down to prepare for relocation. It was amazing the things in storge down those rows of sheds --parade pices banners signs props everything!!

  2. Once I finally stopped laughing at the woman screaming in terror...ya, I'm not very nice...

    Those flowers sure don't look very healthy, do they? Were we having a water shortage back then?

  3. Mike, thanks for pointing out the Bicentennial star! Man, I wish I could have been allowed a shopping spree through those steel sheds!!

    Connie, maybe the flowers were freshly planted and hadn't had time to fill in completely? Or... it might have been a drought year too.

  4. Man Pluto looks malnourished! Rabid indeed! LOL

  5. I noticed that different pattern of flowers on the right, but didn't realize it was the Bicentennial star. Would love to see a better pic of it sometime.
