Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tomorrowland & Spaceman, 1958

I'm always especially happy when I get to share particularly nice pictures from vintage Tomorrowland. We'll start with this great photo from the entrance to T-land; it has so much great stuff, from the Circarama façade, the Clock of the World, the TWA Rocket, and just off to the right, the Monsanto Hall of Chemistry. Oh, and there's posters too! In the lower right, you can see the Tomorrowland Spaceman surrounded by fans. Let's go say "hello"!

What a great portrait. Souvenir guide book worthy, I'd say. Imagine being inside that helmet on a hot August day! I'm almost positive I've posted at least one or two photos of this same guy before, but when I do a search, I can't find him. Time to start my meds again.

I decided to throw in this closeup of the ornament that topped the Clock of the World; it's nice to be able to see so much detail.


  1. look how pretty the clock is in the bright sunshine....i want it for my very own!

    i love the all the flowers which make such a difference from the barren, sterile look of the very earliest photos of my favorite Land

    a few of my favorite posters here, too...Grand Canyon Diorama and Art Corner hiding behind it there...

    you have outdone yourself yet again...the Major rules!
    thanks :D

  2. You know how I feel about this clock Major! You are right... the detail is incredible. Much appreciated.

  3. These are fantastic. I especially love the close-up of the clock ornament. Wow!

    Please take your

  4. That COTW closeup is out of this world (pun intended!)

  5. Orange Co Native10:17 AM

    From yesterdays post:

    Look at the shadows in the 3rd photo of the El Dorado Hotel. The shadows are shifted to the left with the sun coming in to the right.

    Definitely morning.

    Sorry for hammering this to death Major. But we want accuracy right? :)

  6. I wish they would rip out that monstosity that they call the Astro Orbitor AND those hideous brown rocks and put the Clock of the World back at the entrance to Tomorrowland! Or at the very least just put the flower beds back!

  7. What a great picture. I nominate it for "best of the best".

  8. Spaceman pic looks like a post card! Love the clarity in these- Thanks!

  9. I knew you guys would like this one!

    OC Native, I agreed with you in the comments yesterday, just so ya know...

    TokyoMagic!, I can't agree more. Those rocks are so strange - is it supposed to be a callback to Vulcania? For the life of me, I don't know why they are there blocking the view and looking ugly.

  10. I think that guy must be my predecessor, since these pics are definitely earlier than my sig.

