Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Knott's Berry Farm, April 30 1956

It's "Vintage Knott's Day"! Because I say so, that's why. Please wear appropriate clothing, and have fried chicken for dinner. That's not too much to ask.

All of today's photos are from a lot that was meticulously dated "April 30 1956". I don't know why it really makes any difference, but I love knowing the exact day that old photos were taken. Alben W. Barkley (Harry Truman's Vice President) passed away that same day, which makes ya think.

We'll start with this photo of the beautiful old Merry-Go-Round, which was pretty new to Knott's Berry Farm, having been installed in 1955. However, the merry-go-round itself dates back to 1896, and was provided by Bud Hurlbut (his first contribution to the park!).

The old Ghost Town was full of an assortment of wagons and old machinery in various stages of decay. This cheerful yellow vehicle supplied fresh water (or, as the blurry sign says, "Calico water well water") for a mere 1 cent per gallon. To the left you can see the passenger cars from a train, and to the right, the Church of the Reflections.

I can't figure out why it was called the Church of the Reflections. Perhaps it was founded by Sir Albert Reflections? I probably would have enjoyed going to church more when I was a kid if my family had gone to church at Knott's!


  1. These are beauties today, Major! I believe that circular dirt road in the second pic was the original "turnabout" for the Stagecoach (eliminated when the Stagecoach was rerouted around Camp Snoopy). The Silver Bullet rollercoaster now stands in the former location of the church. :-(

  2. Wow these are beauties. The second one is awesome, what a neat part of the farm this USED to be... 1¢ a gallon, I'll take five!

    The Merry-Go-Round looks better in the outdoors, its kinda dark & hidden now.

    I wonder if Sir Albert Reflections would approve of the Church's new location? I sure don't!

  3. Major, these are true beauties!!! Wow.

  4. Church at Knott's Berry Farm! Sign me up.

  5. Wagons like that were common in the eastern mines. There is another one on display in Death Valley at the Borax plant. It isn't yellow however.

  6. The Church of Reflections was named that because of it's reflection in the lake.

  7. VDT, tearing down and rebuilding the Church of Reflections in the parking lot sort of makes it the the "California Adventure" of Knott's.

  8. Lots of people know the name of the church, but few remember that the nearby body of water was called "Lake Relections of the Church." (OK, well, even if it's not true, it should be.) Major, your wonderful collection of pictures is astounding. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  9. Great pics today - that Carousel one is a beaut!
