Friday, January 07, 2011

The Mustangs, July 15, 1968

Here are two great photos taken at the Carnation Plaza featuring The Mustangs! This nonet looks sharp in those matching cobalt blue suits. One might even say they look Beatle-esque, only we're talking about the Beatles from four years earlier. This July evening The Mustangs are playing to an apparently almost-empty house. How can that be? Where are the kids? I want to see them doing the swim, the jerk, the frug, the crawl, the mashed potato, and the always popular monkey.

What could they be singing with those horns backing them?


  1. These pics are true Disneyland musical gold. The Mustangs were a huge reason why I went to Disneyland so many weekends during this time.

    It was "THE" place to take your date. And for only a couple of bucks, General Admission. Awesome!

    They were very good musicians and very popular. As you can see by the throngs of people watching them. LOL!

    Things worked out much better for them, when they played at the Tomorrowland Space Bar. The dance floor was always packed. And hundreds of people would be standing around listening to some great sounds.

    They had a wide range of music that they could play. I don't think they ever played the same song twice in one night.

    On many occasions they were joined by other musicians... Billy Preston comes to mind... a great organ player and singer.

    Thanks for these great pics Major. You have made my day, Richard.

  2. WOW - these are ultra rare and super cool! I want a blue suit just like the ones they have!

  3. I was so jealous that my sister could go there on Friday nights to dance but I wasn't old enough.

  4. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The Mustangs must be the precursors to Wyld Stallyns.

  5. SundayNight6:29 PM

    They are obviously singing a cover of the Buckinghams "Don't You Care".

  6. SundayNight, I admit that you have stumped me with that song. I'll have to look it up; maybe I know the tune!

  7. Yeah... Or maybe they're singing 'Got To Get You Into My Life' from the Beatles Revolver album (or maybe not!)

  8. Since I'm wearing my blue suit just like that right now, I wish I had the soundtrack to these photos.

    The best, Major.

