Monday, January 24, 2011

Matterhorn 1960

Note: Thanks to Mike D. (not the Mike D. from the Beastie Boys) and to TokyoMagic! for alerting me to the fact that I posted these images the wrong way around. Yes, they should be flipped (or is it flopped?). I am way too lazy to go back and fix them, but this way you at least will be forwarned.

The mighty Matterhorn has been around for over 50 years, and there has never been anything else like it. Here is a series of 3 photos from 1960, when it was still brand new.

First we have this long shot, with 2 bobsleds visible (can you find 'em?)....

... and now, we're just a liiiittle bit closer; this time the red Monorail makes an appearance. It looks like it's giving that yellow bobsled a kiss (awwwww!).

And finally, closer still; the family poses in front of the man-made mountain. See that girl peeking out from behind the other girl, over to the left?

Well, we've seen her before, only a few years younger. And we'll see her at Disneyland again, only more grown up!


  1. Major, after your Knott's train post earlier this month, Katella Gate has me noticing details like the fact that these first two shots were taken from above the crowd. What was the photographer standing on for these? Could he have possibly been on the steps of the House of the Future?

  2. Interesting angles! Great photos! And the little redhead...REALLY? Wow!

  3. TokyoMagic!, you could be right; I can't think of anyplace else that a photographer could get an angle like this. There isn't much to go by, but it does seem like the Monsanto house would be in just about the right place. Good eye!

    Connie... thanks! I need to scan some more slides soon, I should do the others with that girl.

  4. I think the House of the Future is off to the right of the picture, and getting on top of it is a real problem because of the overhangs.

    I suspect there was a temporary platform put up in the hub (maybe a camera platform for a TV show announcing the new Matterhorn? The view is perfect!) and our intrepid camera-ist climbed up and got his shot from up there.

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'll just have to stick my oar in the water here (with regard to the angle of the first two photos). I think KG is correct postulating that our dearly departed HotF is off to the right in those pictures. My speculation: the shots were taken from the top level of the Omnibus.

    Yours anomynously,

  6. *Ding* We have a winner.

    Omnibus it is. If only there was a shadow in the foreground. Thank You Anonymous, whoever you are...

  7. Pretty girls. Mysterious vantage point. I like it.

