Wednesday, December 01, 2010

O Tannenbaum, 1965

How can it be December already? Yeesh. Maybe if I was at Disneyland, I would be filled with the Christmas spirit. Maybe. This tall tree, decorated and thoroughly flocked, is quite a sight. In fact, I've never seen such a flocking tree! Disney Christmas trees are genetically engineered in a lab thousands of feet beneath the Matterhorn. They grow to their enormous height in just one year, being fed a special diet of hormones and radium. At the end of the season, each tree lays a single glowing egg; the circle of life continues.

Santa cheaped out this year, I would expect a much better haul under such an impressive tree. And I can tell already that I didn't get my Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.

Like the rest of Disneyland, the Christmas tree looks even better at night. Not so great in the photo, however.


  1. Major.....YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT! Is the drinking fountain hiding under that tree?

  2. i love Christmas time!

  3. That tree is flocked!!!!

    The presents under the tree look a little sorry, but ya know those are fakes presents anyway - not that I've ever checked....

  4. And after New Years, they take the tree and get the flock out of there.


  5. I *KNEW* there was a secret underground flocking lab under the Matterhorn!

  6. I'm going to start using "flock" instead of "frak" (or "flocking" instead of "fraking").

  7. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I thought the flocking went on in that secret room on TOP of the matterhorn?

  8. Chuck2:19 AM

    You had to look up that Red Ryder quote, didn't you?

  9. Chuck, I admit that I did have to look it up!
