Monday, November 15, 2010

Stan Kenton, Freedomland 1964

Before I get to the picture of the day, I thought I'd mention that I had the pleasure of meeting the world famous blogger and commenter Connie yesterday. Hi Connie!

Today's image was in a small group of stereo slides; about a dozen of them were labeled "World's Fair", but they are really from Freedomland! They are pretty terrible, actually - except for this one, which is clear and colorful (and gives a remarkable sense of 3-D when looked at through the proper viewer).

Stan Kenton and his band are performing on a modest stage with whimsical cartoons of musicians painted on the back, while a small crowd gathers. Stan himself is barely in the photo, you can just see him partially obscured in shadow to the extreme left. My dad was always a big fan of Stan Kenton, I can still remember the covers on some of the 78 rpm disks from his college days!

Sadly, this was Freedomland's last year of operation. I just know the Russkies are to blame somehow!


  1. The mural in the background is AWESOME!!!! I have a sudden craving for Quisp.....

  2. Playing in suits, now that's style.

    "Are you boys with the police?"
    "No, ma'am, we're musicians."



  3. VDT, I always have a craving for Quisp. But am too cheap to buy it at $6 for a tiny box!

    JG, You know those big band guys always had style!

  4. my comment didnt post....

    we love Stan Kenton. wonder if he ever appeared at Disneyland during those Dixie Days you hear tell of....

  5. I think Stan did play Dixieland at Disneyland, Nancy!

  6. thanks for the info, David. would have been cool to see him :D
