Thursday, November 18, 2010

Disneyland Hotel, 1965

I wish I had something smart or interesting to say about today's photos of the Disneyland Hotel. But I don't.

They are from stereo slides, I guess that's interesting! If you enlarge this first photo and rub your face against your computer's monitor, you will have good luck for nearly 1 minute. But... which minute?? Notice the sign for radio station KEZY. I can still hear their call-letter jingle in my head ("Kay-ezee-whyyyyy!"); over and over until I go mad!

You know what's wrong with the Monorail? Nothing.


  1. Great pics Major. Fantastic Monorail.

  2. yes, always lucky when you can get the monorail in a picture, accidentally or otherwise!

    i have a question. having been there only 3 times and not until 2001, i was wondering, is the Hotel that is there now is in the exact same place as the original one?

  3. Nancy, I am pretty ignorant of any details regarding the Disneyland Hotel... look in my list of links for Don Ballard's "The Original Disneyland Hotel Blog", he knows everything!

  4. Since I love to talk about things of which I'm not sure, my impression is that the present hotel monorail station is in the same place as the Wrather Hotel station.

    The last time I think the monorail track was changed was in the 90's when the Indiana Jones ride went in and the track was made to loop south to clear the show building. That cost many millions of dollars, and rumor has it that TDA was so angry they swore never to move the track again.

    Since the Hotel/DTD reconfig was done under the Prince of Pennypinchers (Pressler), I am sure that the track is where the track was.

  5. Oooh, me like the pics!

  6. "...UNTIL you go mad?" Why did you put a time qualifier on it?

  7. I'm guessing you can't park in the "red zone"?.... Awesome epics - thanks!

  8. Yes, the track and present day station are located in the location of the picture. Most of the outlying low buildings of the DL Hotel were demolished, leaving just the three present day towers behind. It's really cool to see these old pics. Keep 'em coming!

  9. cool site...thanks, David

    i will have to spend some time here...very cool ;D

  10. VERY cool hotel pics. They are both crying out for a current "after" shot.

    VDT, the white zone is for immediate loading and unloading only....there is no parking in the red zone.

  11. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I really miss the old hotel in this configuration. I'd trade a bunch of Downtown Disney to have it back.

    And now, in my opinion, they are making the hotel worse as we post.

  12. Chuck7:03 PM

    TokyoMagic! - my thoughts exactly after seeing the red curb.

  13. oh, I want...pure classic '60's.

    Thanks Major.
