Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Vintage Viewmaster Fun

I've scanned some more neat images from my collection of vintage Disneyland Viewmaster packets... this time the focus is Main Street USA.

Let's begin with a nice clear view of the old woman on the porch of the Intimate Apparel shop. She's right out of The Twilight Zone (one of the scary ones)! She used to date Battling Maxo. Did her chair rock?

Here's a different angle, from a relatively scarce "D" reel (special souvenir packets that were only sold in the park). Almost every photo on these reels is a variation on the ones from the standard packets. You can see the small chain that was there to keep people from messing with her (it's been lowered for this picture).

Here's a beautiful early shot of the bandstand, complete with band! The top part of the bandstand didn't stay orange for very long.

Many of the live characters that could be seen around Main Street (and elsewhere) are gathered around the potbellied stove in the Market House. Ya gotcher security guard, and Keystone Cop, Trinidad with his magnificent white mustache, and a Frontierland sheriff (?), and a couple of ladies from the local shops; they are discussing Amway products.

This Keystone cop (Clancy? O'Malley? Finnegan?) isn't taking anybody's guff - only he says a word much worse than "guff". Just looking at this picture makes me feel guilty of something. I'm going to get a haircut and behave myself, officer! I'd offer him $15 for his hat badge, but I'm afraid he'll clobber me.


  1. So Mrs. Bates was supposed to make people want to run right inside and buy intimate apparel???

  2. Tokyo, she makes me want to buy intimate apparel....not!

    I've avoided the Market House for years because I know for a fact that they try to sell Amway in there.

  3. TokyoMagic!, I don't know why she was there! It's so strange, since (to my knowledge) Disneyland never had any other figure like her.

    Connie, Amway makes quality products. And you know where the real money is? Getting other people to sell them! You should do it!

  4. OK, confession time....I DID sell Amyway back in the early 90s!! Actually love their products but getting out of the "society" was hard because they kept pestering me with phone calls!

  5. Love the View-Master "D" reel stuff!

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    And as we know, the Bandstand had a relatively brief shelf life. It now resides at Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach.

  7. Is it just me, or does that cop look eerily like Chuck Yeager?

    I have a sudden urge to by an AC Delco battery...

  8. If it is Chuck Yeager, there's no sense in running from him. He's REAL fast!

  9. Funny stuff! I love vintage Disney ViewMaster reels!

  10. StoryBookLand3:08 PM

    Does anyone else find it strange that they chose two boys just about to enter puberty in the viewmaster outside the intimate apparel store! Hmmmm... I'm not so sure they're trying to get a look at the old lady (if ya know what I mean). Where are the parents?! Those boys are gonna grow up to be perverts. PERVERTS I SAY!!

  11. what's the world comin' to by crackey!

    Dig the slides, Maj, I'm not familiar with the old viewmaster reels so it's all hunky dorey to me!

  12. Chiana, it might be hunky, but never ever dorey!

  13. Haha. The officer sure looks stiff. So this is vintage Viewmaker, huh? It’s a real classic. I love it!
