Friday, July 02, 2010

More Night Views, April 1966

If I am lucky enough to find any night photos in a group of slides, chances are they are of Main Street USA. Sometimes Fantasyland; Tomorrowland or Frontierland? Almost never.

Anyway, the Plaza Inn looks warm and inviting, it would be hard to resist heading towards that brightly-lit interior. Especially since vampires hate bright lights, and the chances of being bitten would go way down. I worry.

This is kind of an evocative long-shot of Main Street as seen from the hub; the low vantage point might mean that the photographer was sitting down; or perhaps that shiny area at the bottom is the edge of a trash can - always good for a make-shift tripod.

This answers my question (which I never asked) about whether the horse-drawn streetcars operated at night. Or maybe this fella pulled a surrey?


  1. Chuck4:11 AM

    I never noticed the drastic elevation change from the north end of Main Street USA to the entrance of Adventureland before, but this photo confirms it. No wonder they don't use the Plaza Inn as a regular restaurant anymore - guests' plates must have been continually sliding off of tables.

    I can confirm that the horse-drawn trolleys ran at night and that this isn't an equine cast member enjoying the park after coming off shift. I clearly remember riding the trolley from the hub to Town Square after dark on my first visit. I was two-and-a-half, and after a full day of Disneylanding, my parents, grandparents and I were all knackered and needed the break. I remember being fascinated as I watched the lighted storefronts go by.

    After we got off, I got one of those old-style Mickey Mouse-shaped baloons that bounced around the back of the station wagon for two days before it lost its helium. That was a wonderful vacation.

  2. I havn't seen a trolly at night for a long, long time. I'm going to ask next time I go!

    I am VERY relieved to know that I am safe from vampires if I hang out on Main Street at night. What a relief...

  3. Connie, you must be ever-vigilant when it comes to vampires. But at Disneyland you are safe.

    Chuck, you'd be amazed at how many photos look like they were taken from a sinking ship. Sometimes I adjust them in Photoshop, but if they are too extreme, I just leave them (too much of the photo would be cropped off).

  4. I'm going to the Park tomorrow and I will take a picture looking down Main Street from the Hub...just for the heck of it. Then I'll put it on my blog...just for the heck of it. Now, where's my garlic necklace?

  5. these just keep getting nicer....

    love esp the second picture with the surrounding lighted trees ;)
