Sunday, March 28, 2010

Three Views From The Twain, April 1966

There is no Skyway in Frontierland, but if you decide to go for a ride on the Mark Twain and head up to the top deck, you'll get a uniquely elevated view of everything.

We haven't left the dock yet, so we can see things like the Casa de Fritos restaurant in the distance, and that little bandstand where the Gonzalez Trio and the Straw Hatters would perform. There's plenty of shaded seating, covered by those thatched roofs - a rustic version of the checkerboard shades found in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland.

Fowler's Harbor sure looks different with all of the foliage (see an much earlier view here); the landscapers have done a brilliant job transforming Anaheim orange groves into this Mississippi scene.

We're passing the Indian Village; the addition of the totem poles and other artifacts from the Indians of the Northwest really changed the atmosphere of this particular spot. Previously, it looked like the kind of village that you might see in your typical 1950's horse opera. This gray weather helps to make it feel more like you are on the Columbia River( or even further north!). Notice the container full of canoe paddles at the bottom of the image.


  1. Awesome shots!!!

    I wish Fowler's Harbor still looked like that...

  2. love the picture of "downtown" Frontierland..cute little gazebo ;)
    which attraction would belong with those white railiings? it looks like a Nature'S Wonderland poster near the entrance...

    a very colorful photo of the Indian Village entre. have never seen one from this perspective that i can recall (unless it was here)

    thanks for these pretty pics :)

  3. Beautiful photos. Thanks for a brief visit to a place now very far away.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I always wanted to walk down to the pier at Fowler's Harbor. It looked so real and so forbidding.

    Wonderful pics, thanks Major!!

