Thursday, March 25, 2010

Main Street USA, July 1 1959

Here's a "postcard worthy" photo of Main Street USA, circa 1959. The park looks spic-and-span, and radiant (I saw the word "radiant" in a spider web yesterday). A whole lotta attractions opened just weeks before, and some of the festive bunting - including that "Disneyland '59" banner - can still be seen. Up in the sky you can see the helicopter that ferried lucky guests from the airport to Disneyland and back.

Vesey Walker's shadow is getting pretty long in this photo, but I don't think it's time to lower the Flag just yet. Instead it's time for a good old-fashioned band concert on a summer afternoon. Check out that guy's Hawaiian shirt with the artistic rendering of Diamond Head on the back!

This one's not so great, but I figured I might as well include it. Yep, that's what I figured.


  1. Man I like the bunting on the train and station. I wish they would bring that back, it adds such a festive Fourth of July summer feel.

  2. I really like that last photo, especially because you can see the time on the clock. I love "frozen in time" shots!

  3. Andrew7:16 AM

    I that last photo, what are they doing at the front of the park at 2:30? Arriving late or leaving early? Either way, they should be deep in the park having fun at that hour!

  4. The first shot with the Helicopter is "Terrific"! You might even say its "Humble"...

  5. Yep, radiant. :) I even like the last picture, snapped as the photographer was collapsing from excitement. "Land of the Pueblos" car, posters and all.

    While I don't know I'd want it back, there are some plusses to the old way of minimal admission price with most money made on tickets and merch. One is that I wouldn't feel rushed if I lived anywhere in driving distance. No need to squeeze my money's worth out of a huge daily admission price. Arriving or leaving at 2:30 pm wouldn't bug me. I'd just swing back over another day. Definitely trade offs.

  6. looks like this person was a ride the train first type....i love when we arrive at the park early in the morning, the shops are just opening and everything is neat and tidy...

    pretty picture of the station, the clock, the posters, the train with the beautiful Americana it!

    i have friends who live near Orlando and just go to a park for the morning, have lunch and then home...knowing they can come back any time they envious! cant wait till I can own an annual pass! ;)
