Friday, February 05, 2010

That Crazy Ol' Skyway, March 9 1958

Why is this image like Clark Kent? Because on the surface, it is an ordinary, mild-mannered picture, just like many other vintage Skyway photos.

But hidden within the image is something special - and you don't have to jump into a phone booth for it to appear. The "Alice in Wonderland" attraction is under construction, and at this point is nothing much more than some rough plywood and 2-by-4s. Too bad the Skyway bucket's safety bar is in the way...


  1. TOO COOL! Never seen an "Alice" construction shot before.

  2. Very cool indeed! Damn safety bar, who needs 'em!

  3. The Skyway Chalet looks huge, you can barely see it now a days. Do I see THREE extra wires for the skyway??

  4. I just found this site about a month ago so I have been going through looking at all the photos. I noticed in all of the Skyway photos there is an extra set of wires running between the two skyway cables. In some places they are spread apart on insulators like here, in other places they are all bundled in a single cable. I don't know if the change is by years or where it is in the park. I assume they are power lines for something related to the skyway.

  5. nothing like a bright, sunny day at Disneyland!

    yes, darn those ppl who dont have enuf sense to "remain seated till the ride comes to a complete and final stop" or in this case, you get to the next station!!

    nice views today :D

  6. SundayNight5:50 PM

    The skyway provided us with some beautiful construction views over the years.

  7. What VDT said, that chalet looks so big!

    The search continues for a pic showing 'em growing that giant mushroom out front... ;)
