Monday, February 15, 2010

The Golden Horseshoe Revue, July 17 1968 (Part 1)

I sure as heck hope that you guys like pictures from the Golden Horseshoe Revue. Because I've got 17 of 'em. Not all today of course, I'll share them in bunches of three or four at a time. Deal? Deal (Major Pepperidge "shakes hands" with thin air).

We'll start here, with Fulton Burley (in front of the giant "Pepsi" logo). How many people do you know named "Fulton"? No more than a dozen, I'll wager.

Fulton always liked to acknowledge the photographers in the audience by giving them a big toothy grin. And then he ate them in a single gulp.

And here's Slue Foot Sue. It is inspiring to think that she overcame the handicap of having a slue foot. I've never seen a foot so slue! Betty Taylor is looking very "Mae West" in this particular getup!


  1. I had to google Fulton Burley to see if that was just a stage name...I guess it wasn't. I didn't realize he was the voice of Michael, the Irish Parrot in the Enchanted Tiki Room. I also didn't know that he worked in the Golden Horseshoe up until 1987. Ya learn somethin' new every day! Great photos, Major...can't wait to see the rest of them!

  2. Don't be self-conscious Maj - politicians, "law makers," trade negotiators, CEOs, idealists, even intelligent people routinely "shake hands" with thin air. I'm told the oxygen particles are particularly agreeable.

    Love Fulton's toothy grin! Certifiable grade-A ham. Betty's lookin' swell. Imagine until 1987 - talk about a steady gig! :)

  3. I sure am glad that now we have Slue Foot Cream to deal with that condition...

  4. Wait! Wait! Pepsi??? I thought Coke has been in the Park since day one????

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I find it fitting that this picture of Betty Taylor was taken on Disneyland's 13th birthday. I know I became a lot more interested in Betty Taylor when I became a teenager...

  6. Connie, Coke was served on Main St. and the East side of the park (they were sponsors of Coke Corner and Tomorrowland Terrace), while Pepsi was served on the West side of the park.

  7. P.S. Pepsi even sponsored Country Bear Jamboree (West side) it's first few years at Disneyland.

  8. So there was a Pepsi-Coke Line across the park. Did peeps get dirty scowls from concessionaires of the competing brands when they crossed to the other side of the park with their soda?

    I can imagine my dad, insisting he has to eat at a place on the east side only because he won't have Pepsi.

  9. bubbagoes2anaheim11:03 PM

    Pepsi and Frito were sponsors together in that area. Interesting, as they are part of the same company today, too.
