Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tomorrowland Entrance (undated)

You just get one photo today, folks. I've been lazy and this was the only scan left on my 'pooter. But don't worry, I plan on spending an hour or two slaving over a hot scanner (the old fashioned kind that runs on propane).

Meanwhile, at least you get to enjoy this classic view of Tomorrowland (my favorite!). It's undated, but somewhere between 1956 and 1959 - I'll let you decide! Let's go to CirCARama first, I think they have a new film now.


  1. And a very nice picture it is!

    There's another lady wearing high heels.

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I think the flag looks like it has 50 stars therefore it must be . . . .

  3. You young'uns are so spoiled with your fancy new scanning technology. My scanner burns coal, and the damper don't never work right ... In the snow, up hill, both ways.

    As for the flag, my fossil eyes tell me it's a 48 star flag so, pre 1960 (hint: 48 stars line up into a grid, 50 stars do not. Extra for experts: it was legal to fly the 48 star flag after 1960, until the flag was no longer serviceable)

  4. "Ice Cream 15¢" Those were the days...

  5. Yes, that is definitely a 48-star flag... I've pointed them out in past photos, but decided to give it a rest today!

  6. oh say, can you see...this is a swell photo!

    i esp miss those nautical flags. they add a very festive air to Tomorrowland along with our favorite timepiece. i want some of that 15 cent ice cream, too!

  7. ooookay, CiRcArAmA it is - say you guys in Southern Cal, don't forget to go visit the CircaRama Dome and see a movie, it's real neato - but I wanna ice cream first. :)
