Saturday, January 02, 2010

Adventureland, September 1968

I love Adventureland, but admit that it doesn't get the attention that it deserves on this blog. But today I have two nice photos for you!

The original Swiss Family Treehouse was one of my favorite destinations, and I have the feeling that a lot of other kids (and adults) felt the same way. Just looking at this picture makes me wish I could step into the picture and climb those steps up into the branches! Is it just me, or is this a very convincing man-made tree?

This could be a photo from one of the dusty old National Geographics that were piled high in my granparent's attic. Or a picture taken during the filming of "Apocalypse Now". Never get out of the boat! Like the last photo, this feels just right; I love the sunken, crumbling ruins, especially the serene face of the statue that is on the verge of drowning. Ganesha is just visible through the foliage, unconcerned with earthly matters.


  1. I'm remarkably unconcerned with earthly matters when I'm viewing this blog. :)

    Those are both cool shots of cool settings. Wouldn't it be nice if somebody there realized that the Treehouse is not improved and oughtta be restored. In this pic, the blond has it goin' but that red head next to her is a little frumpy! :p

  2. Statue: "Pity this isn't the Ganges, but..."

  3. Could the blond be the redhead's daughter?

  4. Yes, the Cambodian ruins section of the JC was always my favorite as a kid. I had a 5 gal. aquarium, filled with the obligatory "Lost City of Atlantis" pillars etc. (The fish in fact were just an excuse to have this...) That lost city stuff all came together on the Jungle Cruise.

  5. Onboard the "Mekong Maiden" no less :)

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Probably her cousin Marge from Omaha.

  7. two Adventureland beauties today...i am esp appreciative of the sunshine, coz we are freezing here in the northeast....the wind chill is below zero today!

    thanks, Major :)

  8. Yikes keep warm Nancy!
