Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Subs and Monorail, December 1964

At a recent garage sale, I purchased a box of slides that yielded only two Disneyland photos, but they are swell!

Here's a beautiful picture of the sub lagoon as darkness approaches; the glowing lamps reflect in the water, looking like rocket flames. Everything else looks cool and blue-violet. Since this is December, it's probably only about 5 o'clock in the evening!

Monorail Yellow swooshes into the station at the Disneyland Hotel. Bubble dome, bubble dome! Yes, I get excited. What could be cooler than stepping out of your hotel room to take a sleek, futuristic Monorail to Tomorrowland? Nothing, that's what.


  1. Well I agree with you Maj, these 2 are specially good. There is something magic - the waning hues, the illusion of flame vs water, the unique setting - about the 1st one. And by gosh you've got me all excited by the 2nd one. :D

  2. Love that Monorail shot, look how clean all that glass is!!! I think I see a serious hair-do on the lady up in the bubble top, or its the drivers helmet!

    Were there only two Disneyland slides in this batch or where these the only good ones? How can you only take two pictures at Disneyland?

  3. VDT, these were the only ones in the batch. I sometimes wonder if there were more, and somebody picked them out, missing these two? We'll never know!

  4. Man.. that monorail looks awesome! It has that retro Modern space age look to it. Wonder what they ever did with those when they were retired?

  5. A period of time in Tomorrowland's history that will never be surpassed. Fantastic pictures.

  6. beauties!! never have seen the sub from this angle, and MONORAIL YELLOW!! an excellent post! :D

  7. Monorail Yellow was always my favorite---

    And I can vouch to the fact that it was way-cool to leave your Hotel room and be whisked into Tommorowland via the Train of the future...Good times!

  8. Yeah the monorail shot was picturesque!! And Tommorrowland is a place that I dream to be..
