Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adventureland and ?, November 1960

Here are two photos of a man (I'll call him George) who was more than a little camera shy. Trust me, there are several other photos in which he appears, always facing to our left. He doesn't want us to see the three teardrop tattoos that he got in prison, indicating the three people he has killed.

Anyway, here's George surveying the exotic environs of Adventureland. To our right is a souvenir stand full of all kinds of tropical goodies. Mostly woven hats and handbags are visible here, but I can only imagine what unique treasures could have been found there as well!

This one baffles me a bit; I am assuming that this photo was taken on the grounds of the Disneyland Hotel.But I really have no idea! If anyone could chime in with some info, it would be greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, George is still too shy to look at us and smile.


  1. George was subtly trying to demonstrate his suitability as a stand-in for the backlit profile of Leopold Stokowski in the next segments of Fantasia he was sure would be forthcoming.

    What's surreal in the top pic is that not only is he facing away, but how about the abstract pose of that lady on the right in the background. Are you sure these aren't from that batch ages back, the genius studies in isolation (or asphalt). hehe

    Two more examples of one thing that these "non-pro" pics offer no official pics do: the views of "being there."

  2. George is doing a great impression of Alfred Hitchcock!!

    ill take a handbag, please ;D

  3. *hands Nancy vintage handbag...

    ...nnow, what to fill it with, hmm. =)

  4. Nancy already snagged my Hitchcock impression line...

    Maybe he's showing how, even in a crowded, beautiful place, we are really quite alone.

    In fact, he's probably an old crank that doesn't like getting his picture taken, and this is his way of punishing.. every family has one. "Two in mine."

    Your guess about the D. Hotel is as good as any and better than most. Let's see who speaks up. I looked at Don Ballard's Disneyland Hotel Blog, which has extensive areal photos of the property, but didn't see a curved path in a rose garden to match your pic.

  5. The hat store is Tiki's Tropical Traders.

  6. ...Katella Gate, you know what they say about great minds thinking alike ;)

    thanks, Chiana. ill enjoy shopping for something, perhaps at The Emporium

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    So, do we have George's movies, too?

    And what's up with all that mulch at his feet? What HAS he been doing?

  8. GeorgeoftheJungleCruise3:05 PM

    I don't think that this is the DL Hotel grounds, their pathways weren't curved. I agree it's safe to assume that we're near DL, the clothes, and the pose, are the same. Shadows indicate later in the day. That structure on the left feels a little like the metal frames around the hotel, but they weren't covered, just open frames.

    I would suggest that this is within a short drive of Adventureland at a botanical, or rose, garden, somewhere in Orange County, and probably fairly new judging by the clean paving, supports for planting, and cables on the palm trees.

  9. If it is at the Disneyland Hotel, it is a new area to me for the fifties or sixties......but keep in mind, I am still learning about new hotel amenities/buildings/areas all the time from photographs just like this one. The Disneyland Hotel did have a Rose Garden (and Gazebo) but that was created in the early 80's when a Garden Structure building was removed. They held celebrations and weddings there. Those trees in the background (over the gentleman carrying a cameras shoulder), are those the trees behind Main Street in Disneyland?

  10. @ Magical Hotel: it could be the Main St trees but then there used to be a lot of such trees for windbreaks in Anaheim's agricultural era...

    @ Nancy: give you a handbag and it's straight for the Emporium eh? Hm but I might too. Besides, I'm not big on cigars and a Wurlitzer wouldn't fit. ;D

  11. Thanks for your input, everyone! And MagicalHotel, I was hoping you would chime in, as there is probably nobody else who knows as much about the DL hotel grounds as you do.

    As somebody else pointed out, the old guy is wearing the same clothes as in the Disneyland photos, but who knows - maybe he only traveled with one suit. I guess I am going to assume that this is NOT the Disneyland Hotel, but someplace nearby.

  12. Almost like the Big "W" in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, those five palm trees make a unique and distinctive pattern. I am going to scour my overhead pics from the Disneyland Hotel and see if these are located on the Disneyland Hotel property. I love a challenge!

  13. GeorgeoftheJungleCruise12:30 AM

    It's a big W I tell ya, a Big W...

    Hi Don, love your book by the way. If that is indeed West street in the distance with the line of telephone poles, what's the building on the left? It looks a little like the main entrance building, but not really very much. And again, I don't see any curved paths on the DL hotel property at that time.

    It's go to be nearby. Weren't there any gardens in Garden Grove?

  14. Another clue: Notice the big eucalyptus wind break in the center background of the shot.

    This looks like a big flat area, which also hints that we may indeed be in the Santa Ana Valley (which includes Disneyland).

    Major: Can you squeeze any more detail out of the white sign in the background?

  15. Chris, unfortunately the sign is completely illegible... just some blurry smudges. I agree with you, it looks like the Disneyland area... we may never know!

  16. Okay Major, your slide is driving me insane - and I've got better things to do on a Sunday afternoon! Like Don, I've tried searching all the aerials here looking for those distinctive palms. Close but no cigar.

    It feels so very much like the Disneyland Hotel - first instinct says it is - but searching for matching proof is proving to be difficult. Blast it all! You'll pay for this, Major. Off to search another box...

  17. I have scoured many overhead shots of the Disneyland Hotel and see no five tree pattern like there is in this picture in any of them. I have at least a dozen overheads from 1960 alone some showing tremendous detail and nothing resembling these trees. I am not saying for sure but I highly doubt this photo is from the Disneyland Hotel.

  18. OMG, it's not george, or Hitchcock-after-the-Sego-Ultra-slim kicked-in, but it's Roy! Roy Disney fer shuur.

  19. Sorry for driving you crazy, Outsidetheberm! Magical Hotel, thank you for your research, I am hereby declaring that the photo is NOT from the Disneyland Hotel grounds.

    And gerG, nice to hear from you!
