Thursday, June 18, 2009

Two from 1955

I'm always happy to be able to present any images from 1955 as part of the first few months of Disneyland's existence. Today's slides are from the same damaged lot as the TWA rocket photo that I posted a short while ago, and required similar restoration efforts. They were so blotchy and discolored that I had to actually go in and digitally paint areas back in.

Here's a familiar view of the early entrance to Adventureland, complete with genuine simulated ivory tusks, and that thing that looks like a shrunken head, except that it's really big. Much too large to have dangling from your rear view mirror. Two ladies are relaxing at that bus stop - - well, it looks like a bus stop to me, anyway! I like the appearance of the buildings in the background, and the fabulous 50's folks crossing the bridge.

The gaping maw of Monstro is a pretty striking thing to see, and it obviously draws curious people like moths to a flame. CHOMP! Looks like the photographer caught Monstro in mid-blink (does he still blink?). The little lighthouse/ticket booth says "Canal Boats" on it, that was eventually removed and replaced with the word "Storybook Land" (sorry it's hard to see in that photo...). To the right, in the background, we can see a bit of what appears to be a tent. WHA?


  1. The tent would be the Mickey Mouse Club circus.

  2. 1955 in Living Color. True beauties!

  3. i notice the telly pole there behind and to the left of the lighthouse...something you would never see today!

    Adventureland always reminds me of being in an Indiana Jones movie or something...LOVE IT!! :D

  4. You must've done an amazing job Maj, 'cause these look really good. :)

    Everything's so new. Neat Adventureland pic. Is that bench still there? I don't remember it looking anything like that, but of course the plants are just beginning to junglefy. I like that lady's ultra-cocktail-age navy blue and white polka dot dress and bare shoulders. My! Looks like a little girl there has a coon skin cap? Middle of the pic. Rare glimpses indeed. Thanks Maj :)

  5. So true Nancy...UNLESS YOU WERE IN DCA!!!

  6. Anonymous8:57 AM

    ALWAYS keep the horizon line in the center of your viewfinder...

  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Monstro was not built until 1956 for the debut of Storybook Land Canal Boats.
